
11 Ways To Tell Who Wins 'The Bachelor'
by Emily Belfiore

When it comes to love, there are some things that you just know. This logic is so sound that it can even be used to tell who will win Nick's season of The Bachelor. If you have watched The Bachelor as long as I have, you've developed a sixth sense that helps you figure out who the Final Rose recipient will be. You just know that the season's villain and the contestant who is always drunk (sometimes these are the same person) probably aren't going to win, just like you know that the girl who came out of the limo wearing an outrageous costume probably doesn't have that big of a chance either.

As we all know, Nick Viall is a Bachelor-expert and this isn't his first time looking for love — or his second or third time for that matter. The three-time Bachelor contestant knows from experience that it takes a lot to find love on this show and things don't always go as planned. 30 ladies started in the running to win Nick's heart this season, and, after just a few episodes, the fight for the final rose is still fair game. So, here's how to narrow down who is going to win The Bachelor and help you win your Bachelor bracket:

1Their First Impression

First impressions matter in real life, so you can only imagine how important they are on The Bachelor. Pasts winners have successfully managed to keep their First Impression short and sweet, leaving just enough intrigue for the Bachelor wanting more. This has worked so far for Rachel, who won the First Impression rose on Nick's season.

2Their Game Face

I totally understand that being a contestant on The Bachelor is intimidating. Imagine being one of 30 in competition for one guy's attention... I would probably die. Going into the competition with a humble, yet determined attitude is what got past winners like Lauren Bushnell and Nikki Ferrell through the competition and into the Bachelor's arms for good (or for a little while, at least). In the end, the winner is there for love, not for drama. This can't really be said for Corrine, whose topless pool stunt made her disliked by the other contestants.

3Villains (Almost) Never Win

Sure villains make great television, but they most likely won't make good partners in the long run. Villains like Olivia proved to be too much for their Bachelor to handle. Keeping that in mind, I can't wait to see where this season's villain Corrine ends up in the competition.

4Their Chemistry with Nick

Regardless of where they stand with their fellow contestants, Nick's opinion of each lady is what really matters. The chemistry between Nick and his date is an important indicator that should be factored into this love equation. The lady that acts the most sincere and genuine with Nick on their one-on-one dates is probably the one that's going to make it to the next round, and eventually receive the final rose... and there's no denying that Corinne and Nick have some serious chemistry — so maybe there's hope for her yet. Nick also seems to have a real connection with Vanessa and Danielle L. so far.

5Their Job

Former winners of The Bachelor have a few things in common. One of the most important being that they were pretty much all ambitious and career-oriented women. Having something as vague as "Twin" for your job bio probably won't get you very far. Nick is a former Account Executive with at Salesforce, so maybe he'd have something in common with Elizabeth, who is a marketing manager.

6Their Hometown Ties

Nick has made it clear this season that he loves his roots, his big family, and is proud to be from Wisconsin. He'll even take the contestants to his hometown of Waukesha and Milwaukee this season. Nick and Danielle M. have already bonded over being from Wisconsin, so maybe he can bring her home to meet his mom and eat some cheese.

7Their Dating History

Just like us, there is still a lot Nick doesn't know about this season's contestants. Soon he's going to learn about their past and their exes. Nick's been hurt before, and he's likely going to be a little more protective of his heart this season. Contestants that have a messy past might not be the best choice for Nick this time around. We already know that he and Liz shared a wild night together at Jade and Tanner's wedding, and that type is drama seems to be what Nick is trying to avoid this time around.

8Their Sense of Humor

Nick is a funny guy and he's looking for someone who is laid-back, fun, and probably willing to do some fun impressions with him. From what I've seen so far from her dolphin/shark costume, Alexis might be the perfect woman for that.

9Their Hair Color

Is it just me or does Nick have a thing for brunettes? He's fallen for dark-haired beauties Andi, Kaitlyn, and Jen, so I guess it's safe to say that Nick has a type. This is good news for contestants like Vanessa, Taylor, Kristina, Christen, Alexis, Astrid, Raven, Rachel, and Danielle M.

10Their Interests

Since Nick has been on his fair share of Bachelor seasons, we've gotten to know him pretty well. The winner of this season is definitely going to be someone that this football-loving, pizza roll-eating, and Backstreet Boy fan shares some interests with. Nick ran track in high school, so maybe that will give him and Sarah, who ran to Nick during her entrance, an activity to do together. Or maybe Nick and Danielle M. can cook french toast together.

11Their Conversations

Nick is here for love, but before you can truly fall in love with someone, you have to be able to trust and connect with them. A good indicator to test this level of intimacy is by looking at the conversations Nick has with the contestants. If he feels comfortable enough to divulge some secrets and confide in a contestant, then he's more likely to give her the final rose. So far he's had deep conversations with Vanessa and Danielle M.

So what does this rubric mean for this season's ladies? I would say Vanessa, Danielle M., and, yes, Corinne, are all looking pretty good. Who will take home that Final Rose? We'll have to keep tuning in and paying attention to the clues to find out.