
7 Things Air Signs Will Do When They're Crushing On You

When it comes to relationships, Air signs are rarely sentimental.

by Kristine Fellizar
Originally Published: 
Air signs will do certain things to show they're into you
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Air signs are known for being intellectual, analytical, and full of exciting ideas. But when it comes to love and romance, they tend to be pretty aloof. They’re very sociable, open-minded, and have no problem making new friends. When you’re into an Air sign like Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, it may be hard to tell if they feel the same way or see you as just a friend. So, if you want to know whether or not an Air sign likes you, there are a few signs you should look out for.

“In general, Air signs are the sapiosexuals of the zodiac,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. “They get turned on by a clever turn of phrase or a philosophical argument that juts in bold new directions. A sly reference to biopower or the multiverse is like catnip to them.” Intellectual compatibility is key here. If you can stimulate an Air sign’s mind, you will pique their interest.

When it comes to relationships, Air signs are rarely sentimental. In fact, astrologer Tiffani Purdy tells Bustle that Air signs tend to be the least emotional among the zodiac signs. They won’t always go out of their way to do nice things for you as an Earth sign would. Unlike Fire signs, Air signs aren't really into grand romantic gestures, and you likely won't get any emotional declarations of love as you would with a Water sign. But an Air sign will express their feelings for you in their own special way.

Here are some things an air sign will do when they like you, according to astrologers.

1They'll Flirt With You

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"Air signs are notoriously flirtatious," Purdy says. "If you can be quippy and flirt back, it’s a fairly solid guarantee that an Air sign will like you." It's worth noting that Air signs have a tendency to lose interest easily. So if you've known them for a while and they're still flirting with you, that's a pretty good sign they're into you.

2They'll Keep Communicating With You Throughout The Day

"No matter the sign, there will always be a desire for frequent communication from them when they like you," astrologer Olga Verk, tells Bustle. You'll know an Air sign likes you when they call you just to talk or send you long texts throughout the day. If you like them back, don't try to play it cool. Be sure to respond. "They lose interest quickly if their crush doesn't feed their hunger for all things intellectual, so it's important to respond if you also have a crush on an air sign," Verk says.

3They'll Compliment You

When an Air sign is crushing on you, they'll use their words. "If they like you it will come through in the things they say to you," astrologer Brittany Goss, tells Bustle. "So listen for compliments, even when they're subtly embedded in little jokes."

4They'll Ask For Your Opinion

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In order for an Air sign to really start crushing on you, they'll need to connect with you on an intellectual level first. "Good conversation is essential to them," Goss says. So they may ask for your opinion on things like politics, pop culture, or anything that's worth talking about. According to Goss, air signs are the most driven by the exchange of ideas. "This lets them show off their natural intelligence and cleverness," she says. "They also do it because they really want to get to know you."

5They'll Remember The Details

Air signs can be tricky to figure out because they're naturally talkative and friendly. "They're most comfortable making mental, verbal, and conversational connections, so their intent can be confusing," astrologer Kathy Biehl, tells Bustle. It's easy to mistake their friendliness for something more. But you'll know an Air sign is crushing on you if they pay close attention to to the things you say. They'll try to remember the small things you've mentioned, especially your likes and dislikes. "They'll recommend books, movies, or video games that 'you'll LOVE,'" astrologer Suzie Kerr Wright, tells Bustle. "If you show interest, they'll just be more engaged because then they can tell you everything they know about them."

6They'll Always Have A Funny Story To Tell You

Air signs may be in their heads a lot, but they're also very fun-loving. "They'll always have funny stories to tell you or they'll come up with fun things to do in order to keep you engaged in their world," Wright says. They'll do these things as a way to get to know you and to see if you get them. If you go with the flow and keep things light and airy, they'll crush even harder.

7They'll Always Come Back To You

Liking an Air sign can be somewhat challenging, especially if you want a relationship with them. They can be flirty, in their heads, and distant. But according to Wright, those things won't matter when they really like you. "If an air sign has you in their sights, they will always flit back to you," she says. "They need a lot of space to do whatever they find interesting in the moment. But if they start including you in their conversations, asking for your thoughts about the topics, you've probably got one hooked."


Clarisse Monahan, astrologer

Tiffani Purdy, astrologer

Olga Verk, astrologer

Brittany Goss, astrologer

Kathy Biehl, astrologer

Suzie Kerr Wright, astrologer

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