
These 3 Zodiac Signs Won't Feel Any Bad Vibes From The August Full Sturgeon Moon

Revel in the simple pleasures.

The zodiac signs least affected by the Aug. 1 full moon.
Owen Humphreys - PA Images/PA Images/Getty Images

Things are about to get bizarre on Aug. 1 when the full Sturgeon rises in visionary Aquarius. The logical air sign is all about breaking the mold, and this full moon will empower us to fully embrace our collective differences. For some, this full moon requires them to get uncomfortably vulnerable. But this lunation sings a more uplifting tune for the zodiac signs least affected by the Aug. 1 full moon.

Full moons not only reset the lunar cycle, but in astrology, they’re about action, release, and emotional awareness. But when la luna is hanging out in aloof Aquarius, there tends to be resistance when it comes to tapping into our emotional side. But for a few zodiac signs who aren’t as intensely impacted by this full moon, this is a gentle reminder to accept what makes us unique.

“The full moon in Aquarius gives us a deep sense of independence,” Ryan Marquardt, an astrologer, tells Bustle. “It liberates us so we can better embrace our authenticity completely, quirks and all.” For the few signs who are least affected, these supportive vibes restore their faith in the future that lies ahead.

Regardless of how you’re impacted by this lunation, this is ultimately a commentary on how we serve ourselves and the community around us — some will just have it easier than others. Read on to find out if you’re one of the zodiac signs least affected by the Aug. 1 full moon.

Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 20)

This uplifting full moon is all about challenging your limits Gemini! There’s a lot to look forward to and it’s time to fully embrace the unknown that lies ahead of you. As Marquardt puts it, “[You’ll be] broadening your horizons and expanding your desire to gain wisdom and cultural experiences.” Ultimately, it’s about keeping an open mind and breaking free from traditions that don’t benefit your growth.

Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

No good deed goes unnoticed right now, Virgo. The full moon in humanitarian Aquarius is helping you get your personal wellness in check and, per Marquardt, this full moon will help inspire your natural altruism. “Virgo will feel appreciated, grounded, and well-prepared to step in and help wherever they might be needed,” explains Marquardt. Simple acts of service can go a long way.

Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

The rebellious vibes of this full moon are supporting your creative risks right now, Libra. This is a powerful reminder to embrace standing out from the crowd. Plus, Marquardt says during this full moon, “You may receive praise for a creative project they’ve been working on, or even gain positive feedback from someone you’ve been crushing on.” Allow yourself to revel in all the simple pleasures without the fear of being judged by others.