
Your Guide To Flourishing During February’s New Moon

Let your freak flag fly.

The new moon is behind a tree. The Aquarius new moon arrives on the cusp of Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.
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The February new moon moves into quirky Aquarius on Feb. 1 (but Jan. 31 outside of eastern time), and the air sign is bringing all the innovative vibes. This lunation is about experimenting and rebranding, so follow these do's and don'ts to manifest your most unique self.

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DO: Reinvent Yourself

Aquarius is about all things new and improved, and this new moon happens to fall on the Lunar New Year. This cosmic combo makes it the perfect occasion to innovate. Experiment with your wardrobe and home, or add fun habits to your routine like a mid-day dance break.

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DON’T: Become A Hermit

You may be tempted to retreat to your safe haven while Mercury is still in retrograde, especially because Aquarians are introverts at heart. If you've been a recluse lately, it's a great time to soak in the sun and mingle with others.

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DO: Donate Unwanted Goods

Recycling your items is the ultimate Aquarius move — so while you're adding fresh pieces to your home and closet, be sure to declutter the humanitarian way. Organize a drive among friends to donate your clothes, furniture, or food to a local shelter.

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DON’T: Ignore Your Feelings

Aqua vibes tend to be unemotional and detached, so you may be tempted to look at your emotions in a completely objective way. Avoid writing your feelings off as unimportant and instead, confront them through journaling or venting to a friend.

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DO: Spend Time With Friends

Aquarius rules friendships and community, so this new moon — which welcomes everything new — is an ideal time to connect with your besties. Invent new traditions like a weekly sip and paint night or volunteer in your community.

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DON’T: Get Caught Up In The Media

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the news cycle, especially when humanitarian Aquarius is in the equation. While pushing society forward is heavy during this lunation, give yourself grace to not overcrowd yourself with current events or social media.

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DO: Quality Self-Care

Since the new moon heralds the tail end of Mercury retrograde, there's still plenty of tension to go around. During the new moon, try to pencil in quality time with yourself to check in on your spiritual side and decompress from all the cosmic drama.

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