Today’s tarot card is the Six of Pentacles. It represents generosity, compassion, philanthropy, and paying it forward — but it also has a secondary meaning that’s important to keep in mind.
While it is Monday, and you might not be feeling very chipper or charitable, this card suggests it’s important to kick off the week with a little kindness as a way to set a positive tone for the days ahead. Picking up coffee? Grab one for your partner. Just cleaned out your closet? Don’t let that bag of sweaters sit in the back of your car for a month. Instead, pass it on.
The Six of Pentacles reminds you to give back as much as you can when you’re in a position to do so. If you’ve been feeling helpless or hopeless, be on the lookout today for charities and causes that speak to you. If you can’t afford to give money, consider donating your time.
In a tarot reading, the six cards represent harmony and balance, and that’s shown even further by the appearance of a scale. The main message? To make life better for everyone, we all have to work together.
As for the secondary meaning, this card could be a hint that an uneven power dynamic has developed in your life. If it isn’t immediately obvious, think about the give and take in your closest relationships and consider if they feel equal or balanced.
It’s totally OK if they aren’t perfectly even all the time — that’s the nature of any relationship — but it’ll be something to keep an eye on as you go forward. If one connection feels immensely off-kilter, this card could be a sign to pull back.
The Six of Pentacles also reminds you to be grateful for what you have or what you’re receiving. For example, don’t feel bad if you need to keep a friend on the phone for an hour so you can talk about your recent breakup. They’re happy to be there for you, and in the future, you’ll be able to pay them back and rebalance the scales.