10 Solo Valentine’s Day Date Ideas That Are Genuinely Fun

You don't have to be in relationship to celebrate Valentine's Day — you can catch your own arrow and dedicate the holiday to loving yourself instead. To prove just how appealing this concept can be, I've put together a list of Valentine's Day dates to go on alone, because who needs a partner to have fun? Spoiler alert: no one. You can have the most epically romantic and fulfilling day all by yourself.
Enjoy not having to share your food, not having to hear someone else's opinion of a movie, and being able to do exactly what you want to do, whenever you want to do it. This year, practice some self care and romance the hell out of yourself. Take yourself out for a night on the town, treat yourself to a luxurious night in, or try something new that you never thought you could do alone. There's nothing sad about spending Valentine's Day without a partner. The difference between a very special day that you'll remember forever and a very sad day that you'll hope to forget is perspective. The love you give yourself is more valuable than the love you accept from others, so send all the hearts inward and be your own Valentine, you'll be better for it.
Here's how to gives yourself the hearts for eyes treatment this Valentine's Day:
Go To The Movies, Eat All The Popcorn
Go to the movies alone. See whatever movie you want to see without having to compromise for someone else's tastes, eat all of the popcorn without having to worry about sharing and zone into the movie with no distractions. Once you see a movie alone, you'll never want to go with someone else again, it's that luxurious.
Take Yourself Out To Dinner
Pick out a book you've been dying to start and head to a restaurant you love. The peace and quiet of a table for one is invaluable and you'll have a new book to sweeten the deal.
Go To A Concert, Solo
If you feel like getting out and being entertained, find a concert and go solo. You'll get all the perks of being with a group, without the hassle of having to talk to anyone if you don't want to. If you feel like connecting with others, you'll have that option too — it's the best of both worlds.
Take A Trip To The Spa
Pamper yourself! Book a facial, a manicure, a massage, or get some products from the pharmacy and DIY your treatments at home. Do whatever feels good and block out the outside world and their ideas of how the holiday should be spent. You'll never regret taking the time to care for yourself.
Book A Staycation
Sure romantic getaways with partners can be fun, but trust me, room service for one and the bed to yourself is more fun. Wear a robe, treat yourself like a queen and have a romantic night with yourself.
Try Something New
What's something you've never tried before? Trapeze? Pottery? Archery? Pasta-making? Sign up for a class and learn something new.
Dress Up For No One
Put on your favorite outfit that makes you feel confident, and wear it for yourself. Go get groceries, go for walk, take selfies at home or just hang. Enjoy feeling fine for your eyes only.
Cook A Feast
Cook yourself a feast of all your favorite foods. Enjoy not having to worry about what someone else wants to eat and treat yourself to a delicious spread.
Dance It Out
Whether you sign up for a hip hop dance class or take yourself out for a night of dancing at a club, find an excuse to move your body, shake it out, and have fun.
Chill Out
February 14 is just like any other day, so there's no reason to make a big thing out of it if you don't want to. If you're looking for permission to chill out at home, enjoying your favorite snacks on the couch, consider it granted. Choosing not to celebrate is your right.