
11 Best Women's March Signs That Celebrate Planned Parenthood

by Sarah Fielding
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Planned Parenthood wants to paint the town pink on Pink Out Day, Wednesday, March 29. Billed as an opportunity to show the support and unity surrounding reproductive rights, advocates are encouraged to embrace all things pink, stand with Planned Parenthood, and join the thunderclap. The thunderclap is a movement to flood social media with supportive posts for Planned Parenthood. You can also get involved by changing your profile picture, wearing pink, posting a #PinkOut selfie, and RSVPing to the day on Facebook.

The importance of constantly showing support for this organization can not be overstated. One in five women will go to a Planned Parenthood at some point in their life. This adds up to approximately 2.5 million patients a year receiving services from the organization. While these women will receive cancer treatments, STD testing, and birth control, lawmakers are still pushing to defund these clinics. All because three percent of their services, a non-government funded percent even, are abortions. The anti-choice movement is so intent on removing any trace of abortions that it has become completely blind to the other 97 percent of services Planned Parenthood does provide.

Pink Out Day is a reminder that, even though the Obamacare repeal failed, these services remain in danger. We can use this day to send a message to anyone who threatens our rights that no matter what the opposition throws out, not one of these pinked-out supporters will back down. Get inspired to join the movement with these interesting and informative pro-Planned Parenthood protest signs from the women's march.

1Spread The Love

2The Facts

3Pun Out Too

4An Individual's Right To Choose

5The Fallopians Know

6Treat Women As Such

7The Mimosas Can Wait

8This Is Not Your Concern

9A Truly Life-Saving Organization

10We Won't Go Back

Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

11Supporting Intersectional Feminism

The fight for women's rights has been long and hard but until we, as women, have the opportunities we deserve, we must continue to resist. Planned Parenthood is a symbol of hope for a world filled with equality and choices. Show your appreciation and pink out.