It's National Pickle Day — Here Are 14 Ridiculously Dill-icous Ways To Celebrate

They may not be official observances, but “holidays” centered around food items are always fun — and hey, guess what? Today is National Pickle Day! Observed on Nov. 14 every year, the holiday is the perfect time to bust out you favorite pickle or pickle-adjacent foods. Cupboard barren of dill-flavored goodness? Not a problem. There are tons of pickle items you can buy literally right now — whether you feel like making an actual grocery run or whether you’re more of an online shopper.
The origins of National Pickle Day are somewhat obscure. The National Day Calendar notes on their page about the holiday that they haven’t been able to identify who created the occasion in the first place. Even so, though, it’s a fairly long-standing tradition; it’s apparently been celebrated in one form or another since 1949. Pickles themselves go back much further than that, of course — we have historical evidence of their existence dating all the way back to 2030 B.C.E. Given that they’re both practical and delicious, it’s no surprise that eventually, pickle lovers everywhere would want to take a day to celebrate their favorite food.
And these days, doing so is easier than ever. With pickle having emerged as one of 2018’s biggest flavor trends, a virtual cornucopia of pickle and pickle-adjacent products are readily available — many of which can be purchased right from the comfort of your own home. (Thanks, internet.) So, this National Pickle Day, why not pick up one of the following treats to celebrate?
1Grillo’s Pickles Italian Dill Spears
Happily, Boston-area favorite Grillo’s Pickles are now readily available across much of the United States. You can’t go wrong with some classic dill spears made according to a tried and true, century-old family recipe!
2Heluva Good! Dill Pickle Dip
If you really want to live dangerously, take your Grillo’s pickle spears and dunk them in this pickle-flavored dip before devouring them.
3Wicked Pickle Marshmallows
I know, I know — the words “pickle” and “marshmallow” don’t sound like they should ever be paired together… and yet, here we are. Although XO Marshmallow’s website notes that these sweets were originally meant to be around only for the month of September, you can still buy ‘em now, so, uh… best get on that, friends.
4Gordy’s Fine Brine
Whether you use it for cocktails or just drink it straight, you can’t beat a good pickle brine.
5Shmakee Pickle Brine
If you prefer your pickle brine with a kick, reach for this option — habanero peppers and horseradish give it a spicy bite.
6Intense Pickle Doritos
Remember these? They’re Canadian, but thanks to the wonders of online shopping, they can still be yours. Praise be to the glory of the internet.
7Oh Snap! Dilly Bites
These little bagged bites from Oh Snap! are perfect for the pickle lover who’s always on the go.
9Halfpops Brooklyn Dill Popcorn
Apparently half-popped popcorn is a thing — and you can get in a pickle-flavored variety. You learn something new every day!
10The Peanut Shop Of Williamsburg Savory Dill Pickle Nuts
There are nuts, and then there are pickle-flavored nuts. Or, y'know, legumes. Because peanuts are legumes. (The Williamsburg in question here is the one in Virginia, by the way — not the one in New York.)
11Screamin’ Dill Pickle Pringles
Doritos not your jam? Pringles has you covered with these tangy chips.
12Knorr Goracy Kubek Ogorkowa Pickle Soup
One reviewer recommends adding a touch of pickle brine or juice to this instant soup for an even tastier experience. Sounds like an A-plus way to spend a chilly fall day.
13Pickle Candy Canes
Oh, Archie McPhee. Whatever would we do without your absurd candy cane varieties?
14Twang Pickle Salt
My first thought was that this stuff would probably be great on popcorn — but hey, why not get a little more creative with it? I imagine it would work wonderfully as a rim-of-the-glass garnish for, say, a Bloody Mary or other savory cocktail.
Happy National Pickle Day! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some errands to run...