Kate McKinnon & Leslie Jones' Friendship Will Immediately Put You In A Better Mood

They're both lovable and pee-your-pants funny, so Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones' friendship is a huge added bonus when it comes to these two Saturday Night Live stars. Both women have been blowing up in the past few years, with Jones becoming not only one of the funniest Weekend Update guests on SNL, but also the best Olympics ambassador and Twitter user ever. As for McKinnon, she McKinnon got a ton of praise for her portrayal of Hillary Clinton during SNL's biggest, most political season in years. And don't forget both of these ladies killing it alongside Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig in the reboot of Ghostbusters that delightfully pissed off men's rights activists the world over.
Oh! And they are both nominated Sunday at the 2017 Emmy Awards; McKinnon and Jones are both up for Best Supporting Actress Emmys for their work on SNL — which itself, by the way, garnered a whopping 22 nominations for this year's awards, tying with HBO's Westworld for most total nominations. (As an extra special bonus, McCarthy already won the Emmy for Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her own work on SNL this year.) McKinnon is the defending champ as last year's winner, and Jones, if she wins, will be the first black winner since Jackee Harry won for 227 all the way back in 1987.
Whoever takes home the statue, these two hilarious women will surely be celebrating together, so take a minute to celebrate and envy their wonderful friendship.
They Snuggle Up On The Red Carpet
Talking to Refinery 29 last year about Ghostbusters, McKinnon said she and Jones made a bond for life. "Leslie and I have worked together for two years at SNL. We were very close by the time we got there to film and got so much closer, pathologically closer over the course of the summer in fact," she said. "I thought of Kristen and Melissa as these goddesses who exist in the stars. And then, I got to know them as people, and we all formed a really cohesive group. We're sisters for life and that's just real."
They Get Cozy In Bed & Talk About Self-Love
Look how comfy they look under that down comforter! This photo wast taken for an interview with the Los Angeles Times in which they talked about dealing with trolls and haters (which Jones, in particular, has faced far more than her fair share of). How do they deal? "I know who I am," Jones said. "And I don’t care if you think I’m sexy." As for McKinnon: "I tried for a short time to be something I wasn’t, and had no success with it," she said. "It’s a practical solution to just be yourself."
They Support Each Other So Much!
When Kate McKinnon took home the statue for Best Supporting Actress at the 2016 Emmy Awards, no one was happier for her than Leslie Jones who was freaking out on Twitter with joy for her pal and castmate. It's safe to say she wasn't the only one who felt that way about McKinnon's win.
They Crack Each Other Up
That laughter almost looks fake, but it's beautifully real. This is from a delightful interview with Entertainment Weekly in which the two women chatted about, among other things, when they feel sexiest. For McKinnon, it's when she's "strolling down the street in her fashion sweats," and for Jones, it's when she's naked watching Game of Thrones. That's a pretty sexy situation.
They Lovingly Creep On Each Other
Now that's how you look at your best friend.
Every Photoshoot They Do Is Precious
Come on, that's pure love.
They Take The Best Selfies
Who you gonna selfie with?!
Congratulations to these beautiful BFFs, and good luck to both McKinnon and Jones at the 2017 Emmy Awards. There will certainly be champagne, selfies, and loving looks no matter what.