Here's Basically How Chrissy Teigen Uses Twitter All The Time Without Losing Her Sanity

She's basically the queen of Twitter, so it's no wonder that Chrissy Teigen's Twitter advice is so damn good, unintentional though it may be. The model spoke to InStyle about her wider life — think not having a crush on Zac Efron (doth the lady protest too much?); IVF treatment, her relationship with her husband John Legend, and why thigh high boots and tomboy tops are fashion gold. However, if you're a fan of Legend's wife, that's almost certainly because Teigen's really freaking funny on Twitter.
Because let's be real. There are plenty of models, women who have effortless, envy-inducing personal style, and women who have kids with famous musicians. But what did America do to earn the likes of Teigen's funniest tweets? And how can we keep doing it, so we can earn more of them? If you've been hoping to become a social media guru, then you could do worse than take the model's own advice on the matter. Because she's as real on the challenges and joys of social media as she is on basically every other topic. In a nutshell? Put yourself first, clapback to Trump, and make a lot of jokes.
First, Prioritize Your Mental Health, Not Twitter
Self-care should always come first. At least, that appears to be Teigen's policy, since she copped to making her Twitter account private for the sake of her "mental health." She explained that the platform's tendency to attract trolls became "too much to handle. I really do understand why some people never post anything, ever."
According to Vanity Fair, Teigen made her Twitter account private on October 5, 2016, and people really noticed. After a fan tweeted "Is your account on private now?", she replied, "Yeah. Not strong enough anymore" before explaining in a separate tweet, "It’s not haters or trolls or generally mean people. I just feel like I am absorbing things 24/7. My body and mind cannot handle it anymore." Thankfully for good vibes on the world wide web, Teigen's Twitter returned to its former public setting on November 30 of the same year.
Second, When In Doubt, Make A Joke
And there you were thinking Teigen was just making killer jokes left, right, and center to establish herself as the internet's premiere comedienne. The 31-year-old described her irreverence on the platform as a way of fighting off all of the mean comments, explaining, "it stops people from coming at me. If you share everything and make fun of yourself, then other people won’t make the joke, because you’ve already made it."
No wonder the star made it onto Time's "The 25 Most Influential People on the Internet" in 2017. Compulsively making jokes seems as smart a move as any developed by professional digital strategists for getting rid of trolls.
Finally, Don't Feel Pressured To Be Sunshine And Smiles All The Time
This said, you've got to be you, which might include showing a less sunny side. In the interview, Teigen explained that she's been taunting the President-Elect long before he ran for office — in fact, since approximately 2008. And it's true. Past examples of her most on-point taunts include a photo of her watching American Psycho with the text, "Watching a cool Donald Trump biopic on the plane", and, in response to him tweeting "We must keep 'evil' out of our country!", asking him "what time should we call your Uber?"
So why has Trump always been a target of her ire? She explained to InStyle "I’ve truly disliked him as a human for that long, so imagine how it felt when he got elected president." But it wasn't long until The Apprentice star eventually bit back, retweeting a tweet describing the model as "trashy" and not as beautiful as Melania in December 2015. When Teigen tweeted "Lolllllll no one likes you" in response to a Trump tweet from July 23, 2017, that was the final straw for the President, and he blocked her two days later.
Yes, social media can sometimes feel like a particularly soulless part time job, but it doesn't have to. Tweet a la Teigen for more fun and sanity — or pull a 2016 Teigen by setting your account to private.