Colton Shares Why He & Cassie Haven't Moved In Together Yet Post-'Bachelor'

Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph have pretty much been inseparable since meeting on The Bachelor. However, there's one relationship milestone that the couple is holding off on until they're ready to tie the knot. While appearing on Us Weekly's "Here for the Right Reasons" podcast, Colton revealed he and Cassie won't live together until marriage, if and when that day ultimately comes.
“We have decided we’re not moving in together until we’re married," the former Bachelor explained. "So we have something to look forward to in that step.” And while he teases that a future engagement is "definitely still a conversation" they have on the table, it most likely won't become a reality until Cassie completes her graduate program.
“She’s gonna get through school. I think that’s sort of, if you want a timeline like that, we’re gonna get through school, we’re going to see how all that shakes out,” Colton stated. “She still has her internship and some time to put into that and it takes a lot of work for her to do that and takes a lot of her energy and focus. I can imagine having to plan for a wedding and we still don’t want a long engagement. So we want to make sure that timing wise it’s all right.”
Colton's remarks echo comments he made about his romantic future with Cassie back in March 2019 when he first moved from Colorado to California in order to be closer to her after the show. “Our goal is to buy a house in Huntington Beach in the next year, but we probably won’t move in together until we’re engaged or married,” he told People at the time. "As much as I want her to live with me, it’s a big step and something we both take very seriously."
It probably feels like they're living together right now, given how they're both quarantining at Cassie's family home in Huntington Beach. In March, Colton revealed to his followers that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and has continued to share his recovery process on social media while isolating himself from Cassie and her family in the hopes of not spreading the virus to any of them.
He now, thankfully, is on the mend and appears to be making a full recovery. And if these two are able to make it work while holed up together during a pandemic, then odds are they'll be able to survive just about anything — even moving in together.
If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC or NHS 111 in the UK for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all Bustle’s coverage of coronavirus here, and UK-specific updates on coronavirus here.