
Harry Belafonte Hopes For A Peaceful Women's March

by Nina Bradley

After the tumultuous protesting that took place during Donald Trump's inauguration, Harry Belafonte is calling for a peaceful Women's March on Washington on Saturday, according to the Associated Press. That message is certainly worth repeating. Belafonte, who will be 90 this March, has seen more than his fair share of discord in this country. The singer, actor, and social activist has encountered several historical experiences during his time organizing for the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s, including the 1963 March on Washington with Martin Luther King Jr. and the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.

Belafonte, along with feminist activist Gloria Steinem, will be serving as an honorary co-chair for the Woman's March. And while he told AP he's not a voice for the movement, he fully supports "feminist issues" and any effort that lends to the "liberation of women." You've got to agree that he's more than qualified for the job, as he's served in various capacities for the Peace Corps, Unicef, and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation during his years of activism.

During his interview with the Associated Press, the legendary entertainer stressed that peace is the only way to be taken seriously by government officials, and he hopes that the march and sister protests across the country will follow suit. He said,

"Let us get off to an early start demonstrating that the country is alert, that it is aware of the manipulations that are taking place by the new administration. Mr. Trump will have to understand that there are people who are prepared to make the environment aware of the fact that people will not be governed with tyranny."
Theo Wargo/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

When discussing his honorary co-chair position for the event, Belafonte explained that he's more than ready. He said,

"I'm playing a role that I feel equipped and I feel knowledgeable about. I'm going to be 90 years old in a couple of weeks, and I think that to be of mind and capacity to be able to still contribute to helping to make our union a better place, to help our country become a better place is a joyous task."

Given his résumé, he's most certainly knows a thing or two about protesting to bring about change, and I'm hoping that his words and beliefs will stick with those who stand arm-in-arm at Saturday's rallies.