Galentine's Day, which is officially a thing, all thanks to Parks and Recreation, is meant to highlight non-romantic relationships, and everything that's great about connecting with friends. But your Galentine's Day 2020 may or may not go as planned, and it could have to do with what's going on in your zodiac sign.
To get a better idea as to what might be in store for this particular Feb. 13, astrologers can take a peek at the location of certain planets within each sign. "[When] forecasting Galentine’s day, we look at the chart on Feb. 13 as well as your natal moon, Venus, and Uranus in your chart," Sally Boyd, an astrologer and owner of Activated Astrology, tells Bustle.
"The moon (emotions) will be in Libra, giving us balance about the areas we feel the most vulnerable," Boyd says. "Venus (love, beauty, and money) will be in Aries, and Uranus (friends, change, and rebellion) is in Taurus." How that all plays out on Galentine's Day will be different for everyone.
Read on to see what it might mean for your sign, and what you can expect to happen on Galentine's Day 2020, as well as your best bet for plans, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It'll feel like a lot is coming your way this Galentine's Day, Aries. "With the moon first in Libra shifting into Scorpio by the time the night comes to activate your 8th house of transformation, you should be in an emotional, contemplative mood," Narayana Montufar, the senior astrologer at Astrologer.com and Horoscope.com, tells Bustle. So go ahead and spend the day with people you care about to make the most of it.
You might make plans with a friend to chat over coffee and open yourself up to deep conversation. "Exploring the feelings this moon brings you could lead to big breakthroughs," Montufar says.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Everything will feel like it's shifting for you this Galentine's Day, and it might even result in a few rocky moments with friends.
"Change has been the name of the game for you, Taurus, and the moon in Scorpio forming a challenging opposition to Uranus in your sign on Galentine’s night will highlight this trend even more," Montufar says. Some surprises may even come your way, like new friends joining your group.
You may not be in love with the idea at first, but Montufar says it can be helpful to look for the reasons why these new people have come into your life, and what they might have to teach you.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini is going to have a fun Galentine's Day this year, Boyd says, as long as it doesn't mean sitting in a stuffy movie theater. "Mercury, your ruler, will be in Pisces," she says, which means you're all set to meet a cool, new friend. To increase your chances, make sure you're out and about and able to chat, possibly by hanging around a cafe, instead.
You might even want to tap into your mystical side as a way of attracting like-minded people. "Spend the night reading oracle cards and playing with astrology," she says, and enjoy chatting with whoever you meet.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If you're at a loss as to how to spend this Galentine's Day, do what you do best, and invite a friend over for dinner.
"Cancer is ruled by the moon, and the moon will be in Libra, the sign of relationships, partnerships, and marriage," Boyd says. "Emotions will be thick!"
Instead of going out, it'll feel best to stay in and relish the mood. Consider spending the evening watching fun movies and talking about old times, Boyd says, all while being open to the idea that the conversation could go deeper.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
On Feb. 13, the sun, your ruler, will be in Aquarius, Boyd says. This means you'll be in the mood to party and have a good time. Chances are, you'll wake up with the burning desire to go to karaoke bar.
Bring friends with you to make the most of it, as this is Galentine's Day, after all. And don't be surprised if the convo shifts to deeper topics, Boyd says. This is a good time to share with others, as they'll all want to listen. Use it as an opportunity to bounce ideas around, and get things off your chest.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, will be in your sign on Galentine's Day, Boyd says. And this will result in a day full of good conversation.
To embrace it, make plans to meet up with friends somewhere centered around wellness, where it'll be easy to have a heart-to-heart, Boyd says. Think along the lines of going to a yoga class together, then talking afterward over tea.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This Galentine's Day, you may find yourself spending a little more than you bargained for. And that's because, as a Libra, you tend to be attracted to beautiful things, Montufar says, which will only be made more intense by the moon occupying your 2nd house of money and material possessions.
To spare yourself running up a big check, remain aware of your spending throughout the evening. If you have dinner plans with friends, for instance, Montufar says, simply keep an eye on the prices of things, and keep a running tally in your head.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
This Galentine's Day will bring with it all sorts of surprises, especially in the relationship department.
"As the moon prepares to form a challenging opposition to game-changer Uranus right after entering your sign, you might find out news that will affect your close group of friends," Montufar says.
Information may come to light that seems shocking at first, but don't let it get to you. "Regardless of what happens or what comes up, the secret lies in going with the flow and keeping an open mind," Montufar says. "As it turns out, these changes were a long time due."
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
With Mars in your sign on Galentine's Day, you're going to feel the need to initiate plans and head out for a night on the town. So take this opportunity to do something fun and come up with an itinerary for the evening, Boyd says.
Just make sure you don't overdo it, as you may catch yourself saying the wrong thing, Boyd says. But that doesn't mean you need to hold back, necessarily. Your optimistic energy is exactly what your friends want to be around on Feb. 13, she says, so be there for them and have a good time.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Due to the fact Saturn is still in your sign, along with Jupiter, you'll likely spend Galentine's Day feeling as if you need to work late, Boyd says. So tell yourself now that you'll be clocking out at a reasonable hour so you can spend the evening with friends.
Take the time to reach out to some people you haven't seen in a while and let them know what you've been doing. You may find yourselves planning a spa night, Boyd says, or making other, equally rejuvenating plans.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
For you, Aquarius, Galentine's Day will bring with it lots of surprises. You'll have a tight placement with the planet Uranus on that day, Boyd says, which means you'll want to go out and have fun.
"There may be a surprise in the air, or an impromptu party," she says. But this planet can also bring about chaos, so be prepared for things go awry. If a situation seems to be going south, head out. This is a day to avoid drama, and instead focus on having a good time.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You'll find yourself wanting to spend Galentine's Day with one close friend versus going out in a big group. "Neptune and Mercury say find someone to talk about your dreams and aspirations with," Boyd says, which you might do while sharing a bottle of something bubbly.
You might even feel compelled to talk about your past, which could have you pulling out old photos with said friend. It'll make for a cozy evening at home, and one that'll leave you feeling reconnected to this person you care about.
All of that said, Galentine's Day will be whatever you want it to be. While your zodiac sign may come into play, how you feel on Feb. 13 will ultimately be about the plans you make, and the friends you choose to celebrate with.