
Mercury In Taurus Will Change The Way We Relate To Our Friends This Month

by Nina Kahn
September 2020 Will Be The Best For These 3 Zodiac Signs

When the chatty, communication-focused planet Mercury changes zodiac signs, we're bound to feel the effects within our social lives, as this planet dictates the style in which we think, express ourselves, share information, and communicate with our friends. On April 27, Mercury entered Taurus, giving us a double-dose of grounded earth sign energy to work with through the bulk of Taurus season 2020. Because Mercury in Taurus will affect friendships for all zodiac signs, we'll want to know the details of this planetary shift and how it'll change the way we share our thoughts and relate to others.

Mercury in Taurus is a huge departure from its impulsive and spontaneous stint in Aries. Under this transit, we'd much rather communicate in a practical, grounded, well-thought-out manner. "When Mercury moves through steadfast Taurus, we're typically approaching all mental and social matters from a more grounded perspective," astrologer Leona Moon tells Bustle.

However, beware of the desire to shake things up during the beginning of this transit, as a Mercury/Uranus conjunction could temporarily kick us out of our grounded Taurean head space. "There is a streak of rebellion with this celestial meetup, and we will have to fight the urge to connect in a physical way," Moon says. Know that your impulsive feelings and desire for face-to-face communication is likely a result of this transit, and opt for an intimate FaceTime call instead to scratch your itch for human contact.

Want to know how Mercury's time in Taurus will affect your social life over the next three weeks? Read on to find out, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You know how we all occasionally dig through our Instagram feeds and unfollow the accounts we've grown apart from? Now's a good time to do that with your real-life contacts, Aries. "Time is precious, and once we can all reunite in person again, you'll want to prioritize healthy friendships with those who are really worth your time," Moon says.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Taurus season is a good time for all of us to embrace our inner chill. But for you, 'tis the season of your birthday — and your need for socializing and expressing yourself is through the roof. "Good luck hopping from FaceTime to FaceTime during the next few weeks," Moon says. "You are the star of the show and your social calendar is booked to the max."

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You're a social sign by nature, Gemini, but even you need some time to yourself to dive beneath the surface of your feelings right now. You'll find that you're able to go inward and put your social obligations on a temporary hold. "It's fair to say that staying in isn't really your thing, but the next few weeks will have you actually embracing solitude," Moon says.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You will truly come out of your shell with this transit, Cancer, as you're craving connection and social stimulation in a more intense way than usual. "Right now, you could really use some quality time with your tribe, so it's time to plan some virtual happy hours," Moon says. Put your creative side forward and come up with fun and unique ways to stay close with your crew virtually.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Mercury in Taurus may not make you feel like your usual outgoing self, Leo — but the trade-off is that you'll be extra focused on work and making progress on the career front. "The next few weeks will have you trading in virtual hang out time with friends for items on your to do list at work," Moon says. Just be sure to check in with your crew to let them know that you're not ignoring their texts — you're just on your grind.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

We're all exploring new and unique ways to connect with people in the midst of social distancing, so don't rule out the possibility of finding social support online or through social media during this transit, Virgo. "You might find yourself sparking new friendships in an online community — think yoga class, or any other sort of class you may have signed up for passing the time," Moon says. Embrace your outgoing side within your virtual interactions and be open to new friends.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

As an air sign, you're a small-talk queen, Libra — but with Mercury in grounded Taurus, you're ditching casual chatter in favor of deeper and more intimate connections with friends. "Socializing will require unearthing some of your deeper thoughts, opinions, and experiences," Moon says. "Your friends are here to support you, [so] lean on them, and don't be scared to open up."

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Your friends are your ride-or-dies, but we're all guilty of putting our crush or significant others first once in a while. "Your mental energy is going into your most intimate relationships," Moon says. "But you're so loyal that your friends should understand that this too shall pass." It's OK to prioritize love, but don't back-burner your friends too hard, Scorp.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Work can be a good distraction from all the chaos going on — but that doesn't mean you have to forego your social time, Sag! "An increased [amount of] time focusing on work could have you developing a stronger commodore at work, Moon says. Try to build deeper and more meaningful bonds with the people you work with, even if it's via friendly e-mails and Zoom meetings.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Your social life will likely take on a sensual and flirtatious tone over the coming weeks, Cap. Embrace the romantic energy as a much-needed break from the grind you've been on. "Now's the time to embrace online dating," Moon says. "Throw all your mental energy into crafting some witty, one-line openers."

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Having to spend more of your free time at home might actually feel good for you over the coming weeks, Aquarius, as you're embracing your domestic side and feeling inclined to bond with the people in your innermost circle. "Spending time deepening bonds with family members is the way to go," Moon says. If you're not living with family, prioritize making time to catch up via phone or Zoom.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

This transit is morphing you into the chattiest version of yourself during the next few weeks, Pisces, so light up those group chats and hop on the phone for some lighthearted conversations and catch-up sessions. "Get your text on, as your desire to connect is through the roof," Moon says. If there are friends you've yet to check in with over the past month or so, now's a great time to reach out and extend an olive branch.