Something incredible has happened in Italy. Adam Scott had a real-life Parks & Recreation moment when his pizza-making class went awry. Well, he said it went awry, but the photos he shared tell a different story. Now, as anyone who still daydreams about Pawnee, Indiana knows, Ben Wyatt loves calzones. In fact, he's the one person on the planet who actually prefers those glorified hot pockets over pizza.
In light of Scott's recent trip to Italy, BuzzFeed chronicled Ben's well-documented obsession with calzones. And after reading the former Mr. Ben Wyatt's tweet, it will make you wonder if he's as in love with calzones as his character was. According to the actor, his attempt at making a pizza didn't go as planned, so his instructor saved the day by turning his efforts into — you guessed it — a calzone. Scott tweeted,
"As fate would have it, my pizza-making class in Italy goes awry, so the chef saves me by turning it into a calzone."
Was it fate that made his pizza turn into a calzone, or was it all part of Scott's master plan? OK, it was probably just an accident, but he looks so pleased with himself, it's hard not to suspect he's channeling his inner Ben.
His grin in that final photo is worth a thousand words. If he wasn't as committed to the fine art of calzone-making as Ben is before his trip, I suspect he will be after. It might be a good thing Scott's not married to Leslie Knope in real life though. She loves her husband, but she could never fully embrace Team Calzone. In the words of Leslie, "Calzones are like pizzas but they're harder to eat. They're dumb."
Harsh words from Knope. But no matter how strongly she felt on the subject, Ben's passion could not be contained. He is a calzone man to his core, and now it looks like Scott has been swayed as well.
This may be the only time it's worth disregarding what Leslie says. You just keep doing you, Ben and Scott, and one day the rest of the world will learn to appreciate the fine art of the calzone too.