Target Is Giving You Free Cash Just To Shop Their Clothes & No, This Isn’t A Joke
Is Target heaven on Earth? Is this red and white hued retailer truly the perfect store? If you didn't think so before, you may now because Target's weekly sale gives you $10 when you spend $40 on clothes. As if you needed a reason to shop their adorable dudes. Basically, if you're spending $40 (which given Target's wide array of fashions isn't hard), you'll actually be able to spend $50. Talk about a deal, right?
How does it work, though? According to Kinja Deals, you simply have to head over to the Target website and get shopping. Need a new dress? Shop Target. Looking for a great summer sweater? Oh, yeah there's Target again. Best part, this deal isn't too good to be true. It's actually happening!
There are, however, some caveats to the sale that you need to know about. The first is that the much coveted Target x Hunter collection is not included for this offer. The other? Those 1700 size-inclusive swimsuits the brand launched recently aren't available for this promotion either. Neither is anything from Fan Central or anything considered a basic.
While that may be a bit of bummer, this is Target. You can't buy a swimsuit, but you can basically purchase anything else from the site's massive inventory, so this deal? It's still one you can't miss.
This isn't Target's first incredible sale as of late either. In fact, one of the contributing factors of not including swimwear in the sale could possibly be a result of one of their more recent deals. Only a few weeks ago, the brand had a killer buy one, get one deal on all of their swimwear. Then, near the end of March, they hosted a half off dress sale. Basically, Target is doing the Lord's work in affordable fashion. This spend $40, get a $10 gift card deal is no exception.
Where should start shopping, though? Here are some ideas.
1. Seasonal Cardigan
2. Comfy Jumpsuit
3. Denim Jacket
4. Summertime Romper
5. Flowy Maxi Dress
6. Floral Kimono
7. Ruffle Detail Shorts
Clearly, Target isn't short on fashion. While you may not be able to shop that swimsuit you've been staring at for the $10 gift card, there's still more than enough Target style to go around during this incredible sale.