
Here’s Which ‘Game Of Thrones’ Episode You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

by Jessica Booth

If you've been watching Game of Thrones for the last eight seasons, then you've probably already discovered long ago that it can be hard to separate reality from fiction when watching the episodes — even though they contain totally mythical things like dragons and an army of dead people. It's easy to get so caught up in the characters and the story lines that you start to try to relate to everything, trying to find yourself in everything. Maybe you already know which character you would be based on your zodiac sign — even which villain you would be! — but have you ever thought about which Game of Thrones episode you would be based on your zodiac sign? Probably not!

Most GoT episodes focus on a specific theme, even if it's not immediately obvious, and so it's easier than it seems to realize which episode you would be just by looking at the traits your sign has. You'll see certain key aspects of who you are throughout the character, shown through several characters or just one, played out in major scenes that made a huge impact on the show as a whole. It's pretty interesting! And, if you haven't recently watched these episodes already, you're just going to want to watch them again.

So which episode is worth going back to rewatch yet again? Which episode are you going to relate to on a spiritual level? They're all below, based on your sign. And, of course, there are major spoilers here, so if you haven't watched everything, beware!

Aries (March 21 - April 19): "The Spoils of War" Season 7 Episode 4


As an Aries and a Fire sign, you are definitely "The Spoils of War." Not only is this arguably one of the best episodes of Game of Thrones ever, it also just kind of plays into who you are. As an Aries, you are a bold leader who isn't afraid to take charge — even if that means being stubborn and doing something others don't want to do. In this episode, Daenerys makes a huge move by deciding to pull a sneak attack on the Lannister army, even though her advisors don't really want her to. She shows her leadership capabilities here and the biggest part of the episode — the battle scene — is all fire and huge moments. Like you, Aries!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): "The Dragon and the Wolf" Season 7 Episode 7


As a Taurus, you are known for being grounded, level-headed, and practical. In this episode, viewers watch their heroes Jon Snow and Daenerys decide to try and put aside their differences to attempt to get Cersei on their side during the war against the White Walkers — a practical, level-headed decision. We also see Cersei being stubborn as usual, another Taurus trait.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" Season 3 Episode 7


As a Gemini, you'd likely be "The Bear and The Maiden Fare." You're the sign known for switching between two personalities, and this is the first episode where we really see Jaime Lannister do the same. At the end of the episode, he suddenly develops a conscience and goes back to Harrenhal to rescue Brienne of Tarth, who is being made to fight a gigantic bear. Jaime basically saves her life and shows that he can be absolutely horrible, but he can also be good too.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" Season 8, Episode 2


Cancers are known for being super emotional people who tend to be moody, but also sympathetic and very loyal. The second episode of the final season is a very emotional one: people are getting together as they get ready to potentially die in battle, Brienne gets knighted by Jaime, and everyone is feeling closer than usual. If you were any episode, Cancer, it would be this one.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): "Battle of the Bastards" Season 6 Episode 9


Leo, you have plenty of great traits — but, like every other sign, you have some negative traits as well. You can be very stubborn and arrogant, which can definitely get the best of you. You like to be the leader and sometimes you can be willing to do anything to hold onto that title. That's why you would be this episode — Ramsay Bolton acts that way basically the entire time. He's so confident he's going to win the battle against Jon that he ends up losing (well, Sansa definitely helped with that!).

Virgo (August 23 - September 23): "Blackwater" Season 2 Episode 9


As a Virgo, you are extremely loyal and you're really dedicated to your work — you'll do pretty much anything necessary to get the job done. You're also an analytical thinker who puts a lot of strategy behind everything. In that case, you'd probably be the Season 2 episode "Blackwater." In this episode, we see Tyrion using some serious strategy to win the Lannister and King's Landing battle against Stannis Baratheon and his army... even though it didn't look like they stood a chance.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): "Hardhome" Season 5 Episode 8


As a Libra, you are generally cooperative, fair, and diplomatic. You don't like holding grudges or engaging in confrontation, so really, your sign is going to have a hard time in the GoT universe! But if you were one episode, it might be "Hardhome." There's a lot of battling happening against the White Walkers in the second half, but this happens because Jon is intent on getting the Wildlings to work with him and the rest of the North to fight together against the army of the dead. He's trying to be cooperative and get everyone to make some sort of peace with each other so they fight off the real enemy.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): "The Mountain and the Viper" Season 4 Episode 8


No sign is better at revenge than you, Scorpio. You can be mysterious and secretive enough to really make a revenge plot work. And this episode is all about revenge (just your cup of tea). Oberyn Martell is so intent on getting back at Gregor Clegane (aka, The Mountain) that he ultimately gives his life to do so. And his revenge plot almost worked!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): "The Winds of Winter" Season 6 Episode 10


As a Sagittarius, you have a habit of being a bit impulsive and impatient — two qualities that don't always mix well. In this episode, Cersei shows that she can do the same thing. She is so focused on getting what she wants that she decides to use wildfire to kill tons of people just to get it. On top of that, Daenerys finally gets on a ship to Westeros, which is a piece of your adventurous spirit, Sag.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): "Baelor" Season 1 Episode 9


It may have happened in the first season, but "Baelor" is still one of the most shocking episodes in GoT history — and this is the episode you would be, Capricorn. Your sign has the negative attributes that Joffrey himself has (sorry): you can be an unforgiving know-it-all on your worst day, and that is absolutely what Joffrey is doing in this episode when he decides to go against everything advised to him and beheads Ned Stark.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 19): "No One" Season 6 Episode 8


As an Aquarius, you are one of the most unique signs in the zodiac. You are super smart and you are also known for being somewhat psychic in your abilities. You're also an independent free spirit — and in this episode, that pretty much describes Arya. After all of her time with Jaqen, Arya ends up killing the Waif and taking her face. Jaqen tells her she has become "no one" and Arya replies that she's Arya Stark, and she's going home... showing off the independent spirit we all knew she had.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20): "Winter Is Coming" Season 1 Episode 1


It's hard to find an episode that fits you, Pisces, because you are so gentle and compassionate — two words not usually associated with Game of Thrones. Which is why the gentlest episode of the show (which is saying something, since it ends with Bran being pushed out of a literal window), "Winter Is Coming," is all you. It's the pilot, so the trials and tribulations the characters all face is still yet to come — and it's probably the last time we actually see the Stark family together, and happy.