
What Women Really Think About Their Proposals

by Sarah Fielding

There truly is a national holiday for everything and proposals are no exception. Monday, March 20 is National Proposal Day, celebrating everything about the moment you decide to be a "we" forever. In honor of the day, British dating website surveyed 1,233 married or divorced women in the UK on how they felt about their proposal. Broken down into the different parts of a proposal, participants were asked if they were happy with the proposal, pleased with the ring, the biggest proposal faux pas, and if they would post it on social media.

Relationship details or the women's sexual orientation weren't clarified, but these seem to be mostly hetero couples where the man is proposing to a woman. It's important to note that there are so many different ways proposals go down today, including a woman proposing to her boyfriend or girlfriend.

For anyone scared of letting down their significant other, you will be happy to hear that at 67 percent, most woman were satisfied with their proposal. An even greater number, 84 percent, were pleased with the ring. Take note though-of that 84 percent almost half of couples had picked out the ring together. A surefire way to ensure you've made the right choice.

Want to know more about what other women want on that special day? Read on to hear what else women want from their proposals.

1They Want Romance

A lack of romance was the most common reason given for why surveyed woman were disappointed in the proposal. Of the 27 percent that were not happy with the proposal, 62 percent said it was because it wasn't romantic enough. Romance is key to maintain throughout a healthy marriage and should be a part of the formation of it as well.

2They Want A Ring

When asked about the biggest faux pas during a proposal the greatest number of people, 35 percent, said it was a lack of a ring. Of course rings can be expensive, one reason people might delay purchasing one, but even a cheaper placeholder can stand as a symbol of your commitment to each other.

3They Want Them Shared

Social media is an integral part of our daily lives with seemingly everything we do shared to our friends. Well, it looks like proposals are no exception, with 88 percent of participants saying they would share the news to social media. Cue a lot of jealous followers.

4They Want Originality

The 62 percent who didn't feel their proposal was romantic enough also didn't find it to be original. One woman commented, "I wasn’t expecting a flash mob or doves but a bit more effort than dinner at home would have been nice — I still said yes and I guess we saved a few quid."

Try using the proposal as a way to highlight what's special about your individual relationship, you might get a yes either way but why not start the rest of your lives off the best way you can?

5They Want A Knee Drop

Trailing closely behind lack of a ring, 30 percent of women surveyed said not getting down on one knee was the biggest proposal faux pas. Considering that kneeling is a sign of respect for the person in front of you its understandable that women would expect the gesture as part of the proposal.

Whether you're single, anticipating the question, or have been married for years, National Proposal Day is a reminder that no matter how the proposal goes, all you really need is love.