
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

If you're hoping to hook up, the cards are on your side.

To be completely honest, this week has the potential to be slightly rocky in the love department. While some of you might bond and frolic in the springtime air with your partner, it’s also possible that your Hinge match won’t reply — again.

To see which way the week might go, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to find out what’s in store — and he also shared some helpful tips for getting through unscathed.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating or my relationship this week?

“The Six of Wands is a symbol of victory, acclaim, and achieving a level of success through perseverance,” says Wang. “In the context of love, this card suggests a week of positive developments.”

If you’ve been going to couples therapy or working through your problems with a partner, this might be the week where everything you’ve talked about and learned finally clicks into place.

“For those in a relationship, this card highlights harmony and shared success with your partner,” he says. “It’s a reminder to celebrate your relationship’s achievements and to remember the strength that unity brings.”

If you’ve been swiping on the apps like it’s your job, the Six of Wands indicates that all of your effort is about to pay off. Wang suggests going on a few more dates this week as a way to truly put yourself out there and show off your confidence, as now is not the time to give up.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

This time of year can really sting if you’re single. Once the weather is warm, it seems like everyone in the world is suddenly holding hands in the park or canoodling in cafes, and you’re the only one who’s left out — just like the cold figures on the Five of Pentacles card.

According to Wang, this card represents hardship and feeling left out, and it can also point to financial and emotional struggles. “When it comes to attracting more love into your life, the Five of Pentacles suggests looking beyond material or external validations of affection,” he says.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have — like a long-term partner who will go with you to the farmer’s market — start appreciating what you do have. Wang recommends finding love in genuine connections with friends or within your own self-acceptance. And while you’re at it, he says it also wouldn’t hurt to open up and chat about your feelings.

“Love, this card tells us, is often found in shared trials and mutual support during tough times,” he says. “If you are single, look beyond what you see now, and you will realize the whole world is your oyster.”

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

Take one look at this person wielding a stick from the top of a mountain, and you’ll start to see what the Seven of Wands is all about. According to Wang, this card denotes a stance of defensiveness or an unwillingness to give in.

In terms of how your match, date, or partner might feel about you this week, it could indicate that they’re slightly overwhelmed or upset for whatever reason. “They might be battling their own insecurities or external pressures that could be affecting their behavior towards you,” says Wang. If they aren’t texting you back, you could move on — or give them some grace and understanding.

This is especially important for a long-term partner, who’s definitely allowed to have an off week every now and again. “This card encourages patience and reassurance in love, reminding us that everyone has their [moments] and that understanding and support can overcome them,” says Wang.

If you’re currently in the talking stage of a relationship, let this card reassure you that your date will soon have better attitude and you’ll be able to go back to business as usual.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor