10 Instagram Accounts For Book-Lovers

Oh, Instagram, how do I quantify my love for thee? You can follow as many accounts you want on cute cats, funny celebrities, helpful beauty and hair tips, and food so delicious you can practically taste it through the screen. Finding new accounts is fairly easy, but finding ones that post regularly and don't fail to enchant you in some form aren't too common.
The app has also turned out to be exceptionally great for book-lovers by displaying beautiful libraries, current reads, and warm cups of coffee using attractive filters. If you haven't already, following authors on Instagram like John Green and Cheryl Strayed will definitely brighten your day. And because one can never have enough #bookporn to look at, I have searched the Instagram world far and wide for the best accounts every book-lover needs to start following right now.
I was surprised by some of the unique and straight up hilarious Instagram accounts I found related to books. And now that I've followed every single one of them, I certainly don't regret it, and neither will you.
Because hot guys reading books is something you should see daily.
Love cats and books? This account will fill your day with adorable cats interrupting their owner's reading time. Awww.
More of a dog person? Try out this account where no cats are allowed — only adorable puppies cuddling with books.
An Instagram account that asks strangers on the subway what they're reading and what they think of it. If you're always searching for the next book to read but only trust recommendations, follow Subway Book Review immediately!
This cute account posts regular pictures of an adorable library made up of mostly classics and her current favorite reads.
Everyday book quotes to keep you inspired.
Because books and coffee are needed for a beautiful day.
For the Young Adult fans, this Instagram account is everything you've ever wanted. The owner of the account creates some beautiful book displays and does frequent giveaways, so what are you waiting for?
One of the biggest indie bookstores out there has an Instagram and it's awesome. They post funny comics, weekly video book recommendations, and pictures of the amazing store you'll want to live in.
The Paris Review account posts poems previously published in the review, past interviews with iconic writers, and plenty of pics with animals and books.
Images: Maliha Mannan/Unsplash; giphy (1)