
Missing: Andi's Top 2

by Kayla Hawkins

Monday night, the hotly anticipated Andi Dorfman's Bachelorette: Men Tell All special airs and we'll finally get to hear what the eliminated contestants think about how the season’s played out. Plus, we'll hear from Andi Dorfman herself about whether or not she has any regrets and how she made her decisions. And every contestant is back, save three. Sadly, Eric Hill died in an accident this spring, and there is no doubt that he will be missed and paid some sort of tribute throughout the hour. But we’re also missing Nick Viall and Josh Murray. Why?

It's easy to forget how these specials work, but Nick and Josh are still in competition for the final rose thanks to TV magic, so they won’t be able to tell all until the finale airs next week and we know who Andi picks as her new fiancé. But it’s too bad, because there are SO many questions to ask them if they were somehow contractually allowed to appear. Actually, that prompts an interesting question: What are the toughest, juiciest questions Josh and Nick should have been asked on Men Tell All?

Nick: Are you legit?

Nick Viall got on the wrong side of some protective Bachelorette fans, who want to make sure that Andi, who’s already suffered at the hands of Juan Pablo, doesn’t fall in love with a jerk again. But something’s made Andi pick Nick week after week. He's her favorite, and he knows it… and it seems like he's coasting (and embarrassing himself by making cringeworthy picture books).

Josh: Do you have something to hide?

Josh was a fan favorite and a frontrunner since the beginning. But he hasn't gotten particularly vulnerable in front of Andi yet, even though we're already right at the finale. Sure, he's been kind, and he's said that he's falling for her. But we don't know that much about what makes him tick. And he got so afraid at the idea of a lie detector test… plus, rumors have it that he's allegedly still in contact with his ex on Snapchat.

Nick: Is saying “I love you” hard for you… or are you not in love with Andi?

Nick has barely been able to say "I love you" to Andi. While it’s admirable that he's been able to get over his past heartache, especially when it’s happening on reality TV, his hesitance to even describe specific reasons that he loves Andi could mean that he’s not really invested in this relationship. And his reaction when his little sister said Andi was “truly in love” with him wasn’t nervous, excited, relieved, or any other passionate reaction. It was a shrug and a “hunh.” “Hunh?!” Come on! Expressing a little of the passion that Andi says she feels between them would go a long way to endear him to even more Bachelorette fans.

Josh: Will you be able to put Andi first?

While Josh’s devotion to his family is admirable, will it be a distraction for him while he potentially tries to start a marriage and family? His little brother, Aaron Murray, was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs and has a good chance of making the team, and his brother has been by his side all along. But too much focus on a brother could mean that Josh isn’t able to commit to getting to really know his new fiancée, especially since they’ve only known one another for nine-ish weeks.

Nick: How do you stay so level-headed on social media?

While I've already virtually grilled Nick, you have to give him credit for refusing to join the fray of haters. Go to his Twitter and you'll see nothing but family retweets, behind the scenes tidbits, and tons of emojis.

Josh: Is Sabel an Andi Fan?

Josh’s pit bull Sabel made a memorable appearance during hometown dates and totally stole the show. There's no doubt: Sabel runs the Murray family. And the camera loves her. Josh better make sure to run any new additions to the family by her first.

While we won't actually get the answers to any of these questions, they'll be echoing in all of our minds next week during the finale. But until then, the Men Tell All special should hint at what Andi is thinking. And since she's a total sweetheart, what matters is that she ends up happy and with a guy who cares about her.

Images: ABC (3)