
Has This Spice Girl Been Married Before?

by Jamie Primeau

How'd that old Spice Girls song go? "If you wanna be my fiancé / you've gotta get with my friends?" Just kidding, I don't think it went quite like that. But one of the Spice Girls is engaged, so this is the perfect excuse to celebrate by listening to "Wannabe" and other classics on repeat. On Tuesday, Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell announced her engagement to Christian Horner. Making it all the more official, they shared the news in U.K. newspaper T he Times . On a less formal side, Halliwell also tweeted the news (because, duh, it's 2014). It's an exciting time for the couple, who has been together since March 2014. If the other Spice Girls aren't her bridesmaids, I will be truly disappointed. What better excuse to get the group back together? Plus, she can get wedding-planning tips from her BFF and former bandmate, Victoria Beckham! That's because this will be Geri Halliwell's first marriage.

While this is the first time she's getting married, this isn't her first engagement. In 2009, Halliwell was engaged to Fabrizio Politi, an Italian yacht tycoon. The pair split less than three months after announcing the wedding news. She explained to sources that she "wasn't the marrying type," saying, "I can be fickle. One minute I think somebody is the love of my life, the next I don't. I have commitment issues." (Hmm, I wonder if "commitment issues" are why she left the Spice Girls...) While it's sad that engagement didn't work out, it's great that she seems to have changed her tune with Horner.

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Although Politi wasn't the love of her life, there is one person who Halliwell considers of utmost importance — her 8-year-old daughter Bluebell. She gave birth to Bluebell in May 2006. Bluebell's father is believed to be Sacha Gervasi, a screenwriter and Emmy award-winning director. Halliwell isn't the only parent in this pair — Horner is also a father. He has a 1-year-old daughter named Olivia from his previous relationship with Beverley Allen.

With such adorable daughters, it looks like they've got their flower girls covered! That's one less thing to worry about when wedding planning. Wishing these two the best!

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