
How Long Will Ghost Pepper Fries Be Around?

by Lucia Peters

It's been a little while since we've taken a look at Wendy's crazy ghost pepper menu items… but you know it? It occurred to me the other day that we'd never determined how long Wendy's will offer Ghost Pepper Jalapeno Fries and the Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Accordingly, I reached out to Wendy's — and now I have some answers for you. Spoiler: You're probably not going to like it. Sorry, y'all, but you'd better brace yourselves for some disappointment.

As we already suspected, the two ghost pepper items are limited time offerings — and, as it turns out, they'll only be around through the end of May. Given that today is May 15, that means you've only got a little more than two weeks remaining if you want to try them out. Ah, Ghost Pepper Fries! Your time with us was so brief, yet so glorious, even if you turned out to be not that spicy in the end. Although they may soon be gone, let us appreciate Ghost Pepper Fries and the Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich for what they are: Momentary pieces of wonderfulness. At least you can still make them at home yourself, though, right?

And hey, while we're at it, let's take a moment to remember a few other very special events that only happen during the month of May — although I'm refusing to put National Eat What You Want Day on the list, because every day should be National Eat What You Want Day.

1. National Masturbation Month

Similarly to National Eat What You Want Day, I kind of think every month should be National Masturbation Month — but given that there are still so many taboos to break about masturbation, I think drawing special attention to it for a month is a good move, too.

2. Free Comic Book Day

AKA, one of my favorite days of every year. Admittedly I tended to avoid it during the years I was living in New York City, because Free Comic Book Day is nuts there — but now that I live in the 'burbs and have a really awesome comic shop within a 20-minute drive, it's much more enjoyable: No crazy crowds, and tons of free comic books. I'd call that a win.

3. The Kentucky Derby

AFP/AFP/Getty Images

Mostly for the hats.

4. Royal Baby Charlotte's Birthday

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

Happy birthday, Princess!

5. (It's Gonna Be) May Day

The GIF speaks for itself.

6. Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you!

7. Towel Day

Man. May is just full of wonderful, geeky holidays, isn't it?

8. All Things Bicycle

May is National Bike Month; the second week of the month is National Bike Week; and Bike-to-Work Day is the third Friday in May. All hail the mighty bicycle.

9. Cinco de Mayo

Of course. Just, y'know… don't forget why Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the first place.

10. Mother's Day

Or National Mother Figure Day, if you prefer. And no, that's not an official name — but I don't think the day has to be limited to family members. Same goes for Father's Day in June.

Images: Giphy (8); Getty Images (2)