What Is The Best Movie Theme Song Of All Time?

While the dinosaur-centric blockbuster, Jurassic World, continues to dominate the box office after a record-breaking $511 million debut, the film also seems to be making the franchise's longtime fans a bit nostalgic. According to a report from Business Insider Australia, the original theme song from 1993's Jurassic Park "has jumped to number one on Billboard's Classical Digital songs list — a '205 per cent gain' after selling 3,000 copies last week, according to Nielsen Music." After seeing the behemoth masterpiece that is Jurassic World (in 3D, no less), I can understand why one would want to immediately re-watch the original and subsequently download the movie's poignant theme. Even Jurassic World's Chris Pratt couldn't resist singing his own rendition of the Jurassic Park theme song before the film's release, so how are us fans supposed to resist downloading the classic tune? Conversely, the news of the theme's newfound success does make me ponder a few things. Is the Jurassic Park theme song — with all it's glory and wonderment — truly the greatest movie theme song of all time?
The beauty of cinema has provided us with a litany of treasured theme songs throughout the years. There are beloved classics like "Stayin' Alive" from 1977's Saturday Night Fever, and more recent hits like "Let It Go" from Disney's record-breaking hit, Frozen. How do you possibly rank the best of the best? Lucky for you, I have done just that. While the Jurassic Park theme revels in this moment of Billboard glory, I have ranked 9 other movie theme songs that we still can't stop listening to.
9. "Ghostbusters" From Ghostbusters
Every time Halloween rolls around, I know it's time to jam out to this theme song from the '80s classic, Ghostbusters. Bill Murray #FTW — amirite??
8. "Stay (I Missed You)" From Reality Bites
Not only is this one of my favorite tracks to (attempt to) sing at karaoke, it was also the title track to the angsty — albeit, awesome — '90s cult classic, Reality Bites.
7. "My Heart Will Go On" From Titanic
Remember back when we all had a massive crush on Leonardo DiCaprio and balled our eyes out while watching Titanic? OK, most of us still have a massive crush on DiCaprio, but the '90s was likely when that crush first started. I admit that I actually got sick of Celine Dion's theme song for the movie, only because you tend to get sick of anything after hearing it on the radio 5,000 times a day for an entire year (that figure may be greatly exaggerated). After listening to it for the first time in years, however, I'm feeling the most tearful of feels all over again. Why did you let go, Rose? WHY DID YOU LET GO?!
6. "Let It Go" From Frozen
The amount of feels that come over me every time I listen to this song is indescribable. Not only did this hit serve as the theme song to Disney's record-breaking hit, Frozen, it also sends positive messages about self-worth and courage.
5. "I Will Always Love You" From The Bodyguard
Remember how I mentioned I attempt to sing "Stay (I Missed You)" at karaoke? Yeah...I'm not attempting this one. Still, this power ballad sung by the late and great Whitney Houston remains a regular fixture on my iTunes, and I do attempt the high notes within the confines of my car. It doesn't go well...
4. "Stayin' Alive" From Saturday Night Fever
If you listen to this song and don't find yourself breaking into a random strut, there's something wrong.
3. "Gonna Fly Now" From Rocky
Whether it's training for a boxing match or simply mustering the courage to open that vacuum sealed jar of pickles in your fridge, this song is the perfect motivational tool.
2. "Don't You (Forget About Me)" From The Breakfast Club
If 2012's Pitch Perfect has taught us anything, it's that this theme from the '80s classic, The Breakfast Club, never gets old. I think my feelings for this track can be summed up perfectly by the following GIF:
1. "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life" From Dirty Dancing
No one leaves Baby in a corner, guys. NO ONE! Excuse me while I go watch this iconic final scene from Dirty Dancing 900 times.
Images: Universal Pictures (1); Giphy (1)