Do The 'BB17' Twins Have To Switch All The Time?

Since the beginning Big Brother Season 17, I've had more than a few burning questions about this whole Twin Twist thing. And now that Liz has won Head of Household, I’m more curious than ever to have them answered. Like, I appreciate Big Brother letting us in on the fact that the Liz and Julia switch every three days, but that’s about all of the information they’ve given us about the logistics of the Twin Twist — leaving me wondering whether or not Big Brother 's very own twins have to switch now that Liz Is Head of Household.
Of course, now that the twins are in a position of power, things are bound to get a little tricky. Like, who makes the decisions about who to nominate for eviction? Since Liz technically won Head of Household, does that mean only she gets to decide between the two of them who to evict? And, more important, what happens if she and Julia disagree?
Because, seriously, can you imagine playing this game with your sister? I honestly can’t even — her and I can hardly agree on what music to listen to in the car, let alone how to play a game that might win us $500,000.
So, I definitely don’t envy the twins or their situation. Even though it turns out that the twins do have to switch, even when they're Head of Household (Julia took over for Liz about one day into her reign), it does make me wonder how the two are going to handle evictions this week, not to mention any other sticky situations that arise before they are playing as individuals. Do they absolutely trust each other to make the best decisions for the both of them?
Though it's possible they had to establish some level of “I trust you explicitly” before coming into the Big Brother household in the first place, I kind of secretly hope that they didn’t. I mean, JUST IMAGINE the drama that would erupt in the house if the twins disagreed and started to go against each other while they were in the house to get their way. There’s no better kind of drama in the world than sister drama, AMIRIGHT?
Oh man. It’s making me giddy just imagining it.
Image: CBS (3)