
Your July Money Horoscope

Resist the sudden urge to splurge.

by Nina Kahn
July 2024 money horoscope.
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The start of July means the first half of the year has officially ended so it’s a good time to check in on your 2024 money goals and ensure you’re on a solid track to success. You might be tempted to splurge a little more impulsively this month, as the astrology of July is brimming with the abundant vibes of the summertime plus a few chaotic planetary connections. But by the end of the month, making strides on career goals and organizing your finances should be a lot easier.

Neptune retrograde starts at the beginning of the month, reminding everyone that escapism isn’t the best route to tangible goals. Face your financial situation head-on and empower yourself. The new moon in Cancer on July 5 pulls domestic matters to the forefront of your mind, so invest in things you need to make your home feel more comfortable and calming.

All zodiac signs should be cautious about overspending or splurging on something recklessly during the middle of the month, as impulsive Mars is crashing into chaos-maker Uranus in the hedonistic sign of Taurus on July 15. Taurus is an earth sign, and it’s associated with luxury, indulgences, and material goods — having these two planets collide here could beget some spontaneous shopping sprees or overly extravagant purchases. Avoid being foolhardy with your finances and you’ll be just fine.

On July 21, the full moon in pragmatic and industrious Capricorn lights up your ambitious side, giving you the juice you need to work toward career goals and long-term financial plans. Leo season starts the next day, so set aside some cash for summer social outings or fun leisure activities. Logistics planet Mercury zooms into its home sign of analytical and orderly Virgo on July 25, making it a fabulous time to get ultra granular with your budget and dig into the nitty-gritty details of your finances.

Read on for your full July money horoscope for your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Go-getter Mars is in your money sector until July 20, so use this cosmic burst of motivation to make steady and conservative financial moves throughout the next few weeks. Resist the urge to be impulsive with your cash, especially mid-month, when the urge to spontaneously splurge is high.

The full moon on July 21 is the perfect time to make major headway on your career goals and build toward your empire! You’ll feel even more mentally equipped to slay your to-do lists once logistical Mercury hits your work and responsibility sector on July 25. Use the last week of the month to organize your professional and financial plans.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Communication is a big deal this month, so lead with your heart and you could make some meaningful connections with colleagues — especially under the new moon on July 5. Avoid making reckless decisions or over-the-top indulgences mid-month, because the Mars-Uranus conjunction in your sign on July 15 could bring about the sudden urge to splurge.

Speaking of Mars, this motivating planet is hitting your money sector on July 20, giving you a boost of cosmic energy to slay your financial goals. The full moon the following day is a great time to invest in something that could professionally or financially benefit you long term.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This is an important month for focusing on your finances, and the new moon on July 5 is the perfect time to start a new budget for yourself, ask for a raise, or kick off a potentially lucrative project. Take care of debts you owe or address any money stress that you’ve been avoiding under the full moon two weeks later — it’ll take a load off your shoulders to have a plan in place to manage things. Go-getter Mars enters your sign on July 20, so you’ll have plenty of motivation to go after your goals and face the financial matters that need your attention right now.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

It’s your season, Cancer, so naturally it’s time to splurge on some cozy and nourishing treats for yourself—especially under the new moon in your sign on July 5. The first week of the month is great for getting more serious about a side gig or passion project, so buckle down on your hustle.

Logistical Mercury hits your finance sector this week, too, so your number-crunching game will be on point. By the middle of the month, you’ll feel more clear and confident about how you want to spend your cash, and Leo season brings you the energy and drive you need to put together a summer budget.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22):

This is a powerful month for going after your goals, especially with cosmic motivator Mars in your career sector for the first few weeks of July. Push forward on professional projects and focus on making steady progress toward success. Logistical Mercury and value-oriented Venus enter your sign during the first third of the month, helping you express yourself more clearly and attract more abundance into your life.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 is perfect for breaking bad spending habits, so get yourself more organized. This comes in handy once your birthday season starts the following day, as you’ll have a better grip on your finances and may be less inclined to overspend on the festivities.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

Teamwork makes the dream work under the new moon on July 5, so don’t be afraid to tap your colleagues for ideas or collaborations through the first stretch of the month. These brainstorming sessions could prove to be lucrative. Motivating Mars is zooming into your career sector on July 20, giving you a major boost in slaying professional goals and making moves at work. The full moon the following day is perfect for buckling down on a passion project or side hustle and turning it into something more. On July 25, your logistical and clear-thinking ruler Mercury enters your sign, so save any major number crunching for the end of the month.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

You can make serious headway on your professional goals and manifest major abundance during the first week of the month, so make a to-do list and get productive. If you want to launch a new project or kick off a new era in your career, the new moon on July 5 is a great time. Avoid taking out any last-minute loans or making impulsive investments mid-month, as slow and steady planning will serve you better than spontaneity right now. If you have a side hustle, rally the troops and ask for support from friends once the confident vibes of Leo season swoop in on July 22.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Go-getter Mars is in your commitment zone for the first few weeks of July, so if you need to secure a contract or pursue a new business partnership, this is a great time. Communicating your needs at work comes more naturally this month, too, so chat with your boss about the promotion or raise you’ve been working toward—they’ll be especially charmed by your talents once mid-month comes around. Leo season gives your reputation a sparkly glow-up starting July 22, so have confidence in your earning power and go after your goals with zeal.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21):

Motivating planet Mars is in your chart’s work and routine zone for the first few weeks of the month, so you’ll likely feel more productive than usual. Use this burst of focus to get your spending habits more streamlined and catch up on lingering professional projects. If you need to borrow money from a loved one or seek financial guidance from someone you trust, the new moon on July 5 is a good time to connect. Some unexpected work responsibilities could fall into your lap mid-month, so leave room to take care of business. Use the industrious full moon on July 21 to make pragmatic money moves and take charge of your financial situation.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19):

The new moon on July 5 is a fabulous time to initiate a new business partnership or ask for a warm handoff to make a lucrative connection, so reach out to make it happen. If you’re working on a passion project or side hustle, the first few weeks of the month can be especially motivating for bringing them to life. Just beware of making impulsive decisions around July 15 and don’t put all your eggs in one basket! The full moon in your sign on July 21 is great for bringing your tangible goals to fruition, whether that involves money, career, or anything else. Reap the rewards of all you’ve worked toward and treat yourself to something special.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18):

You may be getting more serious about your money goals at the start of the month, and it’s time to adjust your lifestyle to reflect that. Use the new moon energy on July 5 to implement spending budgets and organize your finances. If you’ve got a side hustle, you’ll feel motivated to turn it into something more as Leo season approaches. Once it officially begins on July 22, business partnerships could emerge, so turn up your confidence and charisma. The last week of the month is a great time to make a plan to pay off debts, so go over anything you owe and kick off a journey toward freedom.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20):

If there’s a side hustle you’re trying to turn into a fully-fledged gig, the first week of the month is the perfect time to buckle down and seriously apply yourself to making it happen — especially under the new moon on July 5. Productivity is high all month long, so catch up on work projects, make a solid budget, and organize your spending habits. The full moon on July 21 boosts morale when it comes to collaborative projects, but may also make you want to splurge on social events, so be sure you don’t go overboard if you decide to have some summer nights on the town.