
The Spiritual Meaning Of The March Full Worm Moon

An eclipse in Libra will shake up your relationships, but focus on finding balance.

The spiritual meaning of the March 25 full moon.
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If you feel something stirring in the air, it’s probably because there’s a major celestial event on the horizon — and it promises to kickstart spring with a bang. According to astrologer Catherine Gerdes, the full moon on Monday, March 25 at 3 a.m. EST is particularly special. This full moon — sometimes referred to as the Worm Moon — will also coincide with a lunar eclipse in the zodiac sign of Libra, so it’s guaranteed to feel extra powerful.

In astrology, the full moon always represents a time of release and surrender, and that’s because it’s the final phase of the month-long lunar cycle. Spiritually speaking, “it can be an opportune time for reflection and clearing space to prepare for something new,” says Gerdes.

The full moon also metaphorically illuminates your path, so you can clearly see where you need to go. When you add a lunar eclipse into the mix, it amplifies all of the effects of the full moon, as well as the emotions associated with it, says Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, which is why this one is about to be big.

Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming full moon on March 25, including tips for making the most of it.

The Meaning Of The March 25 Full Moon

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Since the moon is only full once a month, it’s a special time in astrology, and it’s also one that marks an emotional release. “Of course, when something is finish or completed, we naturally feel the time has come to let go of what no longer serves us,” says Wang. “And that is why full moons always facilitate endings and transitions.”

Since this full moon is also an eclipse in the sign of Libra, Gerdes says your relationships will likely be what changes most. Libra is an air sign represented by Venus, the planet of love, and it also rules the seventh house of relationships.

When you add everything together, it means March 25 will have you thinking about your family, friends, and your partner. If you’re currently in the talking phase with someone, it could also shed some light on that situation.

On the night of the full moon, you might experience a breaking point or a fork-in-the-road moment, says Gerdes, and it could prompt an important or overdue conversation. This might come in the form of a “we need to talk” text, but don’t be freaked out: It might be the exact convo you need to have to take your relationship to the next level.

Navigating The Full Moon’s Energy

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While full moons impact everyone to one degree or another, this one will pack an extra punch for the four cardinal zodiac signs thanks to the moon’s location in the sky. The signs who will feel the moon’s power the most are Libra, of course, as well as Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn.

According to Gerdes, these four signs will experience the biggest shifts within their relationships on March 25. To get an idea about what might happen, think about who you met or where you were six months ago.

As Wang says, lunar eclipses occur in six-month periods. As each eclipse season comes to a close, it could feel like something is ending — and that you’re about to start something new. This time around, with the eclipse in Libra, the focus will be on relationships, as well as balance.

Libra is represented by the scales, so you may find that you’re finally ready to seek peace and equilibrium within your connections. “The heightened emotions and revelations brought forth by the eclipse demand careful consideration and patience,” Wang says, so it won’t hurt to give yourself time to process all the feelings that might stir up.

What’s more, the full moon’s energy will start to kick in a week or two before it culminates, and with the eclipse happening, the energy will also stick around until the end of the next six-month cycle. In other words, whatever happens on March 25 will set the stage for what’s to come next, especially as it relates to your romantic connections.

How To Embrace This Full Moon

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If you’re looking for a mystical way to celebrate the full moon, there are plenty of little rituals you can perform leading up to it. “This is the perfect time to harness the powerful lunar energy for personal growth and cleansing,” says Wang. These practices might also help you feel more balanced as you navigate ups and downs in your relationships.

Release & Let Go

To embrace the energy of the full moon, write any habits, thoughts, or emotions that you want to release onto pieces of paper, and then (safely) burn them under the glow of the moonlight. “This ritual is a symbol of letting go of what no longer serves you,” says Wang.

Meditate for Balance

If you’re in the mood to chill out with your eyes closed, focus a meditation on the theme of balance and harmony, in honor of the sign of Libra.

“Visualize scales becoming evenly balanced, reflecting Libra’s influence and bringing peace to your mind and spirit,” says Wang. “You can also hold a green crystal to help ground yourself during your meditation, such as jade, malachite, or green fluorite.”

Cleanse Your Space

Spring cleaning can be done until June, but it’s very powerful during the full moon.

“Physically cleaning and cleansing your living space can mirror the internal process of clearing out the unnecessary to make room for the new,” says Wang. Picture yourself washing away old energy as you work.

Jot In Your Journal

Journaling can be tough with no direction, so use a prompt to get the creative juices flowing. Spend a few minutes writing down your wishes and thoughts to ground your energy during the full moon.

While it isn’t wise to manifest during the chaotic energy of an eclipse, Wang says you can still think about what you’d like to work towards in the future.

Take A Break

This is also the perfect time to kick back, relax, and let the universe take the wheel. “Eclipses are an opportune moment to just rest and allow events to unfold around us,” says Gerdes. “With this highly-charged energy, engaging in practices to calm the nervous system, like salt baths, aromatherapy, and meditation, could be really helpful.”


Letao Wang, astrologist, tarot reader, spiritual counselor

Catherine Gerdes, astrologer