Today’s tarot card is the Knight of Swords. It’s an action-oriented, forward-thinking card that suggests you’re going to chase after your goals in the next 24 hours. If you’ve been feeling stuck, complacent, or checked out, get ready for a fresh, invigorating jolt of energy.
This card is like a shot of espresso. The Knights suit represents quick changes and the desire to take risks; the swords cards point to your mindset and mental energy. To make the most of this surge, lean into the tasks you’ve been putting off, especially the ones that take a little extra focus.
Have 100 unanswered emails sitting? A million texts you’ve all but forgotten about? Address them right now. (No, really, right now!) You’ll blow through them with a burst of motivation you never thought possible. And while you’re at it, you can also set things in motion for the future. Instead of passively vision-boarding about your goals, take a few tangible steps in the right direction today.
Where you would normally give up at the very first snag — like when you’re trying to sign up for something but then have to verify your email, ugh — the Knight of Swords suggests you’ll power through. Nothing’s stopping you today. (Thankfully, yesterday was all about napping, so you should feel completely recharged and ready to rumble.)
One thing to keep in mind? The Knight of Swords may be all about determination, but it also cautions you against racing into something without weighing the pros and cons first. While the Knight seems confident, their horse is giving them major side eye as they race ahead — and that’s your cue to take a beat before you do anything too bold or brash.
Be careful not to quit your job in a whirlwind of passion for a farfetched career path or break your lease because you saw a cool cooking class you’d like to take in Italy. While you can do those things if you plan ahead, don’t change your entire life in the next 24-hour period. Today’s about gathering info, clearing the path, and taking those first important steps.
This card also hints that you may have to defend your POV today. Perhaps you’ll find yourself sparring with someone in the TikTok comments section or defending yourself in your group chat. If so, the presence of the sword suggests you’ll find all the right words.