
3 Zodiac Signs That Are Always Scrolling Their Phones

They love to be in the know, no matter the cost.

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These 3 Zodiac Signs Have The Highest Screen Time, According To An Astrologer

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to be plugged into all the latest trends taking over TikTok, and you don’t have to be fluent in meme culture to have a high screen time report, either. From scrolling through Depop to score the best vintage finds to trying to beat your high score on your favorite game, everyone’s relationship with their phone is different. According to an astrologer, however, there are three zodiac signs that are more likely to have a higher average screen time than the rest, so if you have trouble putting down your device, this could be why.

Let’s face it: a lot of our lives take place on our phones. Between communicating with others, staying on top of all things pop culture, keeping your Wordle streak alive, and even learning a new language on Duolingo, there’s so much to do on your little pocket-sized computer. That being said, astrologer Brilla Samay believes there are three signs that can’t resist scrolling through their timelines every chance they get, which causes their screen time to be higher than any other signs in the zodiac. So if your eyes are always glued to your phone, now you can blame your obsession on your birth chart — if you’re one of these three signs, that is.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers love to “observe the world from a safe space,” and social media is a “huge tool in helping Cancer plug into the outside,” says Samay. As for how they use social media, Samay surmises they might spend their time “learning about worldwide culinary trends and classic dishes,” as well as “history and archaic traditions,” and even learning about their local neighborhood.

The astrologer also makes the disclaimer that Cancers’ obsession with social media is only tentative, saying, “The more Cancer can interact with people in their everyday lives, the less likely they are to become overly reliant on their phones as a source of emotional support.”

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

As a trendsetter of the zodiac, Libras always need to be on the cutting edge of culture, from political movements and societal topics to “the latest gossip/rumors and fashion trends.” The best way to do that is to stay plugged in on social media 24/7, so if you see a Libra on their phone, they’re likely not trying to be rude, but rather getting real-time updates on the latest trending topics to stay in the know.

“[Libras] can fall into the shadow of comparing themselves to others, and worrying about meeting societal norms and standards,” says Samay. “They might also battle feeling overloaded by the constant barrage of information, so taking breaks from their screens to connect with their inner selves may be beneficial.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Inquisitive Aquarians probably won’t be too surprised to see their sign on this list, because according to Samay, the air sign is “known for its love of gathering knowledge, information, and constantly studying new age advancements in technology.”

“[Aquarians’] phones give them the ability to stay informed and connected to the outside world, and because of that they tend to spend a lot of time information scrolling,” the astrologer explains. If this sounds like you, Samay offers this reminder: “Use this information as inspiration rather than living through others.”


Brilla Samay, astrologer, mentor, and spiritual advisor

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