These 6 Meditations Will Help All Zodiac Signs Glide Into Aquarius Season
The night that we shift into Aquarius season also just so happens to be January 21, 2019, the night of the super blood full moon, which will experience a complete lunar eclipse, to boot. What this means for all of us is that basically we're going to need to get some mediations for Aquarius season 2019 in order. Typically, Aquarius season inspires us all to nurture the visionary inside of us. It allows us to see a bright future and to chase after it with enthusiasm and passion. It makes us all feel a bit more open and earnest than usual, free to be ourselves and free to explore the bounds of who we are. But with January's super full moon going into total eclipse, our energy might get redirected.
Instead of steaming forward with big, ambitious plans, we'll be forced to stop and reflect and think twice about where we're expending our energy and what passions might not be worthy of our time. This pause is a good thing, but it might have the power to stifle your creative energy. Instead of starting off the season with a bang, we'll all be starting off the season with a staggering delay. This might cause some of us to lose our mojo, or worse, scatter our plans.
The combination of the eclipse-inspired need to reflect and repose mixed with Aquarius-inspired need to do everything all at once might make us a bit disorganized. Aka, to avoid rushing into the Aquarius season like a hot mess, you'll have to regroup after the eclipse and reignite your energy with mediation. Here I've put together a list of meditations that will be inspiring and intellectually invigorating during the start of Aquarius season. Whenever you feel like you're veering off-course too much, just take a deep breath, revisit one of these mediations and refocus.
Aquarius Beta Waves
This beta wave mediation track will help you get in touch with your Aquarian self-post eclipse. The sounds and rhythms are both calming and energizing, depending on what thoughts you focus on. You can listen to this mediation in the morning or at night, just make sure you set your intentions first.
Aquarius Om
This mediation is a combination of sounds, om, and visual mantras and phrases that will help you to positively guide your energy upward. Listen with you eyes closed, or watch the visuals and be inspired by phrases like "I am patient and worthy" and "I am intelligent and thoughtful".
Concentration Meditation
This mediation will help you to focus your energy on one thing at a time. If you're feeling scattered, set back, or overwhelmed by your own ambitions, listen to this peaceful and tranquil meditation and tune out all of the other noise in your life and mind.
Guided Mediation For Change
If the lunar eclipse inspires you to let go of certain things in your life, but you don't know how, you'll want to follow this guided meditation that will show you the way. Once you get rid of what isn't serving you, you'll have room in your life to bring in something new and more progressive for your future.
Aquarius Relaxation Tones
This relaxation mediation music will help you lean into your Aquarian nature. Explore what it means to be you, follow what's unique about yourself and embrace it. Listen to this mediation and just sit with yourself in a comfortable position.
Air Sign Healing Ascension
This mediation was created to help you get to a higher level of mental energy, but if you listen to its calming tones and decide you want to take a nap instead, that's fine too. So long as whatever you do is intentional and with a clear objective.