Chrissy Teigen's Hilarious Response To A Mommy-Shamer Is Great Advice For Everyone

Once again, someone has tried to shame Chrissy Teigen on the internet, and once again, they've been shut down. Chrissy Teigen's hilarious response to a Twitter critic was short and not-so-sweet, but it's definitely advice worth taking if you're a person that uses social media. On July 7, Twitter user @catclause tweeted a complaint about the content of Teigen's posts — and it caught her attention pretty quickly.
"Menstruating, childbirth, and sex are natural," wrote Twitter user @catclause. But that doesn't mean I want to see pics of it and/or celebrities like @chrissyteigen taking a bath or nursing. We get it."
Apart from being a silly gripe, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What exactly are they suggesting the public "gets"? What counts as worthy of being Instagrammed? Fortunately, Teigen wasn't about to sit there and just take this nonsense. She quote-tweeted the complaint, adding a response in her signature pointed style:
I don't care to see grainy fireworks, Coachella selfies, or infinity pool pics but I let people live. Calm your tits and scroll on by.
TBH, it's advice worth taking. Yes, it was aimed at a specific person, but the message is universal: If it's a photo as innocuous as a person breastfeeding their son and their daughter's doll, and you don't like it...who cares? You don't have to look at it, or comment on it, or even follow Teigen — or anyone else whose posts irritate you, for that matter.
As per usual, Teigen said what most people are thinking: Everyone posting videos of fireworks, music festival selfies, or the same photos of skylines and infinity pools can be a little... monotonous. It's like when it's really hot in one city, and everyone has to Instagram a weather app to prove it. But, you know what? Most people don't post their photos to please you specifically. It's also unlikely that they're intentionally trying to offend one person. If you're consistently aggravated by a person's feed, you don't have to follow them. Or if you do, because of some kind of social contract, then just go ahead and mute them. Because you know what people care about even less than the minutiae of holiday Instagram? People complaining about it.
The moral of the story here? Let people live! Celebrities included. If you want to post your boomerang of fireworks, go ahead and do it. You loved the moment and wanted to share it. There's nothing wrong with that. If someone complains about the normal, regular, relatable content of your Instagram, that's more of a them problem than it is at all a you problem.
It's worth remembering: Famous people are also just people. Their lives aren't total escapist fantasies, and they don't owe it to anyone to pretend that they are. It's important to remember that no one polices your Instagram posts. Likewise, it's always good to keep in mind that multifaceted celebrities are going to post a ride range of things, even images that some of their fans might find uncomfortable. Seeing Teigen breastfeeding is actually liberating and important to some of her followers, as illustrated by the comments her tweet received. Twitter user @SingleScalpel wrote, "Are you kidding? That insta photo was the reason I texted my bestie to say: 'Are you following Chrissy? Because you should be! She’s hilarious and so real life!' You're the best."
When things like this happen, it's important to stop and think. Celebrities, like Chrissy Teigen, live lives that are more than fantasy. In fact, their personal lives might even mirror those of people you know. This shouldn't soil the image of your favorite A-lister, but instead, serve as a gentle reminder that a real human person is on the other end of every grumpy internet comment.