Getting the chance to hang out with Jessica Williams would be a dream for so many people. But even someone as badass as Williams needs to take a moment to freak out when she gets the chance to meet one of her heroes. So when Jessica Williams hung out with J.K. Rowling (for the second time, mind you), she made sure to document the moment for all of the internet to see. The result is a hilarious and completely relatable Instagram post about what it's like to hang out with one of your idols, who just happens to be a literary legend that millions of other people would want to hang with too.
Williams states in her Instagram post from July 20 that she actually first met the author of the Harry Potter series about a month ago. But she forgot to get a picture to share on social media, writing, "Anyway- I had so much fun talking about life/politics/thesims with her over 25 cocktails that I felt like a realllll dweeblord for FORGETTING to snag a photo." And even though her mom tried to comfort her, it wasn't enough to soothe Williams' Harry Potter-loving self.
Well, turns out there was no need to dwell on this disappointment since Williams got the chance to hang with Rowling again (!!) and shared the evidence on her Instagram.
As Williams wrote in her post:
"So cut to last night- and (wildly)I'm hanging out with the Khaleesi again and I was on my way out the damn door and was like '......wait I'm sorry can I get a photo? For my Instagram?? (I know such 🚮)' She was like 'yes Jess of course!' So we took a few photos and yes she's a major babe and here she is on my IG feed for the both you And me to enjoy."
Now if you're wondering what Rowling and Williams were doing to end up barefoot in the photo, I can't help you there. But if you're wondering how their paths have crossed not once, but twice, Williams explained it during a live show of her podcast Two Dope Queens on July 17. Rowling had started following Williams on Twitter when she was on The Daily Show and then sent her a direct message about the fact that Williams has the same birthday as herself and her famous character — July 31. Rowling also once wished her "birthday sister" a good day publicly on Twitter.
As Williams explained, she was obviously blown away by the DM since she has been in love with Harry Potter since the fourth grade and especially since Rowling used the message to compliment the comedian and actor for being funny, intelligent, brave, and strong. Needless to say, it's obvious that Rowling is a fan of Williams and that makes her even more unbelievably cool — which is truly saying something considering that Rowling created Harry Potter and is also currently the undisputed queen of Twitter.
Recently, Williams finally gathered the courage (how Gryffindor of her) to send Rowling a direct message after the author was upset about a rare Harry Potter prequel being stolen, and the pair arranged to have drinks and dinner in London, where Williams was attending a screening of her Netflix movie, The Incredible Jessica James. To hear Williams tell the story of the initial hangout yourself, watch the live Two Dope Queens show here, starting at 15:05. As their meet up led to them watching Lemonade over cocktails in Rowling's hotel room, you're going to want to hear every detail.
While Williams has enough amazing memories with Rowling to last her a lifetime, documenting it for all the world to see has added an exciting layer for fans of both the author and the comedian. And as it seems this pair really hit it off, be on the lookout for even more posts about these unexpected BFFs in the future.