
The 4 Signs That Are Most Likely To Be In Long-Term Relationships In 2019

by Amanda Chatel
Ashley Batz for Bustle

As 2018 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the past — your love life, your career, your friendships, your health — and look toward the future with hope. What will 2019 bring? According to astrology, the new year is looking like the perfect time for love for several zodiac signs.

"Some of us experienced 2018 as a pinnacle year for love while others have found themselves feeling left alone without a shadow to keep them company," astrologer and psychic, Cindy Mckean, tells Bustle. "The good news is that 2019 looks very good for some astrological signs when it comes to finding love and being involved long-term with that partner."

However, if you want to find love, it's important to be open to it. While you've probably heard that love happens when you're not looking for it — and that may be the case — more than anything it's key to open your mind and heart to the possibility of love being in the cards for you in 2019. Which means, if you've been down on relationships this year, it's time to look forward to new possibilities in the new year.

Here are the four signs that are most likely to find themselves in a long-term relationship in 2019, according to Mckean.

1Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tina Gong/Bustle

"Planet Mars, with its masculine energy, is your ruling planet," Mckean says. "The planet Venus is your feminine counterpart. When yin and yang blend together harmoniously the result is bliss." During your birthday season, Aries, Venus, and Mars are going to make positive aspects, leading to a very ripe situation for love.

"Essentially, you won't have to put much effort into finding love and a long-term relationship; however, you do need to be patient," Mckean says. "The key will be to recognize when the iron's at maximum heat before you strike. If you do that, the love you find will be with you for life."

2Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Tina Gong/Bustle

"Fortunately for Leo, the last of the series of lunar eclipses (where the Earth obstructs the view of the moon) and solar eclipses (when the moon obstructs Earth's view of the sun) will be happening outside of your sign in 2019," Mckean says.

But while that may be the case, Leo, the lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019 is really going to play in your favor, so mark your calendar now.

"It'll be a full moon that night," Mckean says. "In astrology, the Moon represents your emotions, while the Sun is your ruling sign. Full moons are a time of endings and completions, allowing you to put any emotional baggage or residuals behind you once and for all."

What stamina you thought you lost will make a comeback on January 21 and last through July 2, 2019. On July 2, there will be a New Moon Lunar Eclipse and, according to Mckean, this will make for a perfect alignment leading to one hell of a fresh start. Also, so you have something extra to look forward to. Not only will your summer be hot, but from what Mckean predicts, so will your partner.

3Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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Libra, 2018 may have not gone as planned, but 2019, on the other hand, is going to be pretty damn exciting.

"In astrological context, 'exciting' means your scales will definitely swing more than you may want them to, but it doesn't go without a reward in the end," Mckean says. "With the exception of the January 21 lunar eclipse, all other eclipses in 2019 will happen in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, signs, that like Libra, herald in new climatic seasons."

Mckean wants you to keep in mind that you may have to endure a breakup first, depending on where your cycle falls with the 2019 eclipses, before you meet that long-term partner. "2019 will be a whirlwind year for you," Mckean says, "but with pain there's gain, even if it's not intentional pain."

Basically, Libra, this is your year to shine in many ways — you just need to jump a minor roadblock first.

4Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Tina Gong/Bustle

Although the Full Moon Eclipse on January 21, 2019 might make a few Aquarius feel a bit dizzy, especially if they're born during the first six or seven days of the Aquarius season, don't worry; it will pass.

"Fortunately for you, Uranus moves to Taurus in early March 2019," Mckean says. "Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and Taurus is the sign of longevity. As soon as Uranus makes a positive aspect to your Venus (the planet of love, among other things) and Mars (the planet of sexual conquests, among other things), you'll find yourself zapped by Cupid's taser (really, Aquarians respond better to electric shock than piercings, but don't try this at home, folks!)."

According to Mckean, this will happen when you least expect it and with someone who's usually not your type. So, in other words, it's best to keep your mind way open.

As Mckean says, "[I]f you're not one of those signs, it doesn't mean you won't find love or a long-term relationship," Mckean says. "These are the most likely signs."

Don't worry, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces! You still have a chance at love and something long-term too. Who doesn't love a challenge?