
This Is What Corinne Had To Say About DeMario On 'Bachelor In Paradise'

Paul Hebert/ABC

While DeMario Jackson has already spoken out about the Bachelor In Paradise production shutdown in TV interviews for E! News and to Chris Harrison, the other person that was a part of the controversy, Corinne Olympios, hasn't been as vocal. But during the Aug. 29 episode of Bachelor In Paradise, Corinne talked about DeMario publicly and gave her side of what happened. She claimed that she drank too much on the first filming day. She also reiterated what she told Good Morning America that she had been on prescription medication that she didn't know she wasn't supposed to be drinking on, all of which allegedly led to her blacking out. And, while she said she hasn't fully recovered from enduring all the drama, Corinne made it clear during her Bachelor In Paradise interview that she doesn't blame DeMario for anything.

As a reminder: During BiP filming, a crew member raised concerns about alleged sexual misconduct between DeMario and Corinne and production was temporarily suspended while the network investigated the incident. DeMario repeatedly denied the claims, and Warner Bros. found no evidence of misconduct. After Olympios' lawyers concluded their own investigation, Olympios released a statement saying she was satisfied with the outcome.

On Tuesday night, Corinne explained that she didn't initially grasp why production was being stopped. And, before producers pulled her aside the next day after the incident, Corinne told Harrison that, "There was no hard feelings against [DeMario]. I just went about my day normally and we were cordial still," she said. "It was just normal."

Even now, Corinne emphasized to Harrison that she has no ill feelings toward DeMario. "I hope he's doing well. I really do. I wish him the absolute best," she said.

But just because she didn't blame DeMario for anything that occurred and isn't upset with him now doesn't mean that Corinne was 100 percent satisfied with how DeMario handled the situation after the production shutdown became public. "Before I even had a chance to gather my thoughts and collect myself and talk to him or talk to anybody, he kind of just went for it [in the media] and was so on the defense," Corinne said. "It was like, 'I was never mad at you or blaming you for anything.'"

Paul Hebert/ABC

When Harrison asked if she had wished she had gotten to talk to DeMario during the media storm that followed she said, "I was almost a little bit nervous to talk to him because he did run to the media and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire."

Now that they've both had a chance to speak and Bachelor In Paradise is back on, Corinne did say she is doing better. And that's clear from what she said she would say to DeMario if given the chance. "I would want to tell him, 'Listen, I respect you as a human. I have nothing against you. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I know exactly what it feels like, I had to go through it too. And I wish you all the best and I just — I'm sorry,'" she said.

Like DeMario, Corinne is obviously still dealing with the aftermath. But now that they've both spoken out, maybe now they can start to move forward.