Valentine's Day
30 Sweet Valentine's Day Caption Ideas For Long-Distance Relationships
As Shakira said: "Whenever, wherever, we're meant to be together."

Valentine's Day is on its way, which means your social media feeds are about to be filled with photos of flowers, chocolates, and love galore. If you're one of those totally enamored couples posting your romantic day together, you probably won't mind much. But if you're in an LDR and have to spend the holiday without your boo, you might feel left out — at least until you post the perfect Valentine’s Day Instagram caption for long-distance relationships.
Just because you're not with your S.O. in person doesn't mean you can't get in on the lovey-dovey vibes. In fact, because there’s physical distance between you, that’s all the more reason to really do it up and lean into the cheesy, romantic things the holiday has to offer — IG captions included.
Being hundreds (or even thousands) of miles apart can be tough, sure. But there are other ways to enjoy the day from afar. Think about a Valentine’s Day Zoom, a steamy phone call, or all the fun gifts you can send to your partner that are made specifically for long-distance relationships. At that point, your Instagram post is just icing on the cake.
Whether you're posting a throwback to you and your S.O. at your high school prom or the most recent selfie you took together, here are 30 caption ideas for your Valentine’s Day content — including long-distance Valentine’s day quotes, movie references, and more.
1"Distance means so little when someone means so much." — Tom McNeal
This is a quality caption for your long-distance boo on Valentine's Day because it sends the message that no amount of distance can mess with what you have. Plus, it's a nice reminder when Valentine's Day can seem super important that the relationship you share is much more significant.
2"Just get your a** back home." — Gym Class Heroes & Neon Hitch
"A** Back Home" by Gym Class Heroes and Neon Hitch is a super old song, but the nostalgia is just what you need for your V-Day Instagram caption. Using this lyric for your post is a playful and sassy way of telling your S.O. that you want to see them ASAP.
3"Passionate from miles away." — Drake
If you can use a Drake lyric as an Instagram caption, you win. And for you long-distance love birds on V-Day, this lyric from Drake's "Passionfruit" is a great way to describe how you feel when you’re so far away.
4"I would walk 1,000 miles just to hold you tonight." — Vanessa Carlton
I think Vanessa Carlton wrote "A Thousand Miles" especially for long-distance couples, so take that as a sign to use it for your Insta caption.
5“The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” — Charles Dickens
If you and your boo are lovers of literature, this Charles Dickens quote is a great way to show them you're thinking of them and can't wait to see them again. Plus, quoting Charles Dickens in an Instagram caption on Valentine's Day? Trendsetter.
6"Love is the shortest distance between hearts." — Unknown
If you want a more creative caption, this quote will do the trick. It's a cute way to remind your partner that even though you may be physically apart, the feelings you share with each other are what connect you.
7"Distance makes the heart grow fonder." — Thomas Haynes Bayly
OK, this one's a classic. You can't go wrong with a famous quote that totally applies to your situation.
8"When you leave, I'm begging you not to go." —Beyoncé
Nothing makes for a better V-Day caption than quoting Queen Bey herself. This caption will send your boo the message that you're "crazy in love" even from so far away.
9"With you is where I'd rather be." — Brandy
Can you even celebrate a long-distance Valentine's Day without quoting Brandy's "Long Distance" in an Instagram caption?
10"Nothin' feels right when I'm not with you." — Shontelle
OK, this lyric is from Shontelle's break-up song "T-Shirt." But it still applies! If you've been feeling down about being away from your partner, this lyric is great for sending the message that being apart from them on the day of love just doesn't "feel right."
11"Baby there ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you babe." — Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrel
To stick with an unbeatable classic, quote Marvin Gaye. "Ain't No Mountain High" is a sweet reminder that even though you and your partner may be physically apart on Valentine's Day, nothing is keeping you two down.
12"Whenever, wherever, we're meant to be together." — Shakira
Your hips don't lie and neither does your Instagram caption. Using lyrics from Shakira’s famous song "Whenever, Wherever" is a playful way to remind your boo that you’ll still make it work despite being apart for the holiday.
13"Distance is just a test of how far love can travel." — Unknown
If you want your Valentine's Day caption to embody how hard you and your S.O. are working to make the long-distance relationship go well, this is it. It's short and to the point, but it also sends the message that distance can't stop you and your partner.
14"Ocean separates lands, not souls." — Munia Khan
If you and your partner are super long-distance, this Munia Khan quote is a great contender for a caption of you two on Valentine's Day. It demonstrates that no amount of distance can change what you feel inside. Swoons.
15"Close together or far apart; you're always in my heart." — Harry Styles
Is using a Harry Styles lyric the best way to send love to your partner on Valentine's Day? I think so. The lyric is a nice reminder that you're always thinking of your person.
16"Every time we say goodbye, I wish we had one more kiss. I'll wait for you, I promise you I will." — Colbie Caillat & Jason Mraz
I used to love "Lucky" by Colbie Caillat and Jason Mraz back in middle school and come to think of it, the lyrics in the song would make the perfect caption for your long-distance V-Day post.
17"Hey baby, I'm missin' you like crazy." — US the Duo
US the Duo is the most adorable husband-and-wife singing duo, and the fact that they make music together is even more heartwarming. What better way to caption your Valentine's Day picture than a cute little reminder that your partner is on your mind?
18“Love is not finding someone to live with. It’s finding someone you can’t live without.” — Rafael Ortiz
This is the perfect quote to show that you don’t mind (too much) that you don’t get to see each other IRL during the holiday that celebrates romance.
19“If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you.” — Unknown
This one’s sweet and slightly cheesy, which makes it absolutely perfect for Valentine’s Day content.
20“Time is the longest distance between two places.” — Tennessee Williams
For anyone in a LDR, you know the stretch of time between visits is the hardest part. Whether you won’t see each other for a week, a month, or even longer, this quote really captures how annoying it is to be far apart.
21“When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart are missin’ you.” — Avril Lavigne
Nothing like some early 2000s pop punk to fully express the feeling of a long-distance relationship, amiright? The full lyrics, of course, are “When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart are missin’ you. When you’re gone, the face I came to know is missin’, too. When you’re gone, the words I need to hear to always get me through the day, and make it OK, I miss you.” Perfection.
22“Love will travel as far as you let it. It has no limits.” — Unknown
It doesn’t matter if your SO is a five-hour drive or a five-hour plane ride away — as long as you stay in touch and do sweet things for each other, you can make it work.
23“There’s nothing like us, there’s nothing like you and me. Together through the storm.” — Justin Bieber
Feeling a little down about being apart on Valentine’s Day? Then these Justin Bieber lyrics might feel right for your Insta post.
24“Hey there, Delilah. What’s it like in New York City? I’m a thousand miles away but, girl, tonight you look so pretty. Yes, you do.” — Plain White T’s
For full effect, insert your partner’s name instead of Delilah.
25“I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Did you two meet in the most unlikely of places? Perhaps you missed your train while on vacation in a random city or you ran into each other whilst hiding from the rain? If that’s the case, this quote perfectly captures that feeling.
26“How far do I have to go to get to you? Many the miles, many the miles.” — Sarah Bareilles
Use this as your Instagram caption and then make this song the soundtrack of your life until you get to see each other again.
27“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” — Helen Keller
This caption shows the world that you and your partner are still super close even though you’re far apart.
28“Without a single thought, two hands collide and the world finally makes sense again.” — Kayla Dawn
Post with a cute pic of you two holding hands and watch the hearts roll in.
29"Wish you were here."
When in doubt, a meaningful "wish you were here" can be the perfect caption for you and your boo. Simple and straight to the point, this says it all without saying too much.
30"Happy Valentine's Day."
Sometimes the best caption is the simplest one. Even if you’re celebrating Valentine's Day long distance, it doesn't make it any less legitimate, so throw up a "Happy Valentine's Day" and call it a day.
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