Here's Everything We Know About 'PLL' Season 6B

Well, it's November. Which really means that it's Pretty Little Liars month because we finally get a special PLL episode on November 24. (Also, I've forgotten about Thanksgiving. What's Thanksgiving? It's not important, right?) Though questions were indeed answered in the PLL midseason finale, my head's still spinning. We know who big A is, we know that Sara Harvey was red coat and Black Widow, and we know who killed Bethany. For once in our PLL lives, we know so much! But PLL fans also know to never get comfortable with the "truth." There's always more mystery that lies ahead, and with the Season 6B premiere only months in the future, you better believe we will be hit with an inordinate amount of new questions to ruminate and lose sleep over come January 12.
So, until I become sleep deprived (again), I've decided to put together all the "truths" we know so far about PLL Season 6B. Everything we've learned from I. Marlene King or the ladies of PLL has been somewhat enigmatic, but also somewhat of a solid piece of the puzzle. Like, we know there's a time jump, but we're not sure how that's going to affect story line, character, and plot development. We know Spencer has bangs, but we're also not sure how that's going to affect story line, character, and plot development. (OK, probably not a lot, but it's a huge change, ya'll!).
Here's everything we know about Season 6B of Pretty Little Liars.
1. There's A New Intro
Everyone has a new hairstyle (bless), Ali's there (also, bless), but this time Emily does the "shhhhh" at the end.
2. The Liars Are Afraid of "Him"
Because I. Marlene King is an angel, she gave us a "sneak peak" of the 6B time jump at the end of 6A, where the Liars rush into Ali's (also known as Mrs. Rollins) classroom to warn her that they "came back for her" and that "he's coming." But who is he? As of right now, we don't really know.
3. The Liars Have Careers
Ali becomes a teacher, and, from the looks of that same sneak peak, she appears to be in the same classroom as Mr. Fitz. During New York Comic Con, it was also revealed that Aria's a writer, Spencer's working in politics in D.C. (no surprise there), Emily's a bartender, and Hanna now works in fashion (again, not surprising).
4. The Liars Have Moved on Romantically
Alison has a new beau, and, eventually, new husband — Dr. Collins, as we saw in the four minute 6B teaser. Lucy Hale revealed that Aria and Ezra are not together, but will "always be in each other's lives" during a NYCC panel. Troian Bellisario told People, "[Toby] is still a cop, but he lives in Rosewood, she lives in Washington, D.C., so there's a very complicated and long history between them," hinting that the future for Spoby looks bleak.
Emily's a bartender in California, which just so happens to be where Paige lives, but no word on whether or not they are still together. And Hanna? She's engaged to someone else (RIP Haleb), according to the teaser clip from NYCC above.
5. The Charlotte/CeCe Drama Is Not Over
Even though Sasha Pieterse told People that Ali and CeCe are "good and healthy," there's a lot more to CeCe's storyline that will be revealed. Including her relationship with brother/ex-boyfriend (I know, right?!), Jason. King told Vulture that we "haven't heard the complete story of that." According to the clip above, it also looks like the girls will have to face her — and their past — in the Season 6B Premiere.
6. Lucas Is Back
Not totally sure what this means for Liars and Rosewood, but, according to Entertainment Weekly, we do know that Lucas has a Ms. Pac-Man machine in his apartment. Unclear on whether or not this is important, or just a solid reminder that Lucas and Hanna would have never worked out.
7. Questions from 6A Will be Answered
I know this is less of a "something we know" point, but hear me out: All the lingering Q's we have from Season 6B (i.e. Who killed Mrs. DiLaurentis? What's up with Melissa and Wren?) will be answered, according to King. She told Entertainment Weekly at PaleyFest this month, "We’re not avoiding the questions that are still left unanswered. They’re unanswered for a reason, because they will be woven into the story moving forward." More answers breeds more questions breeds more answers. Eventually it will all come together, right?
Until then, I guess we just have to enjoy the ride and (attempt to) wait patiently.