
Is Prince Farming Dating Anyone Now?

by Sara Steinfeld

It's been a busy year for The Bachelor 's resident Prince Farming, Chris Soules. He tried and failed to find love with Andi Dorfman on her season of The Bachelorette, found a relationship with Whitney Bischoff on The Bachelor, subsequently broke up with her a few months later, and appeared on Dancing With The Stars, because YOLO, y'know? I guess that just goes to show that The Bachelor can open so many doors, but a clear path to love and marriage just isn't always one of them. So, with all of that behind him, what's Chris Soules up to now? Is he dating anyone?

I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is whether or not Chris went back to Bachelor runner-up, Becca Tilley. Well, for the moment, it doesn't seem like he's dating her (or anyone else, for that matter), but that doesn't mean he isn't open to the idea. According to an "insider" (so, you know, super trustworthy info right here, folks) for Hollywood Life, Chris isn't opposed to rekindling things:

He is not one who would be looking back and thinking that he made a mistake, he chose the girl he was in love with and it didn’t work out. Now if he ever bumps into Becca in the future, that is a different thing, he would accept to rekindle something if the fire is still there for both of them.

In case you forgot, it seemed like pretty much the only reason that Chris chose Whitney over Becca is because Whitney told Chris how she felt, whereas Becca wasn't quite ready to drop the L-bomb after only two months of dating. Which, BTW, is probably the most normal thing any contestant on the show has ever done. But, other than sitting around, supposedly regretting his final rose choice, what else has Chris been doing?

Let's get the obvious out of the way, shall we? OK, gird your loins for the shock of the century: He's been doing some farming.

I'm just going to go ahead and say what we're all thinking: While some might blame his DWTS workload for his and Whitney's breakup, I'm thinking it has to do with the fact that he seems to be more interested in his crops than his soon-to-be wife. The fact that he wanted his contestants to drop everything in their lives to move out to middle-of-nowhere Iowa and be his little homemakers should have been all of the red flags they needed to run like hell, but alas, it seems that Whitney had to learn the hard way.

But, I digress. What else has Chris been up, you ask? Well, he's been hangin' with some real pigs (and no, I don't mean Juan Pablo Galavis):

He's been absolutely killing the #TBT game:

And, of course, he's been re-living his rose ceremonies of yore, because once a Bachelor, always a Bachelor:

All in all, it seems like Chris has just been living his life and dealing with his breakup in the only way he knows how: Going back to his roots.

While I wish him the best of luck in all of his endeavors and am a little bit saddened by his short-lived engagement to Whitney, I can't help but feel a little bit relieved that he's back where he started. He attempted to pull Whitney away from a career that she was clearly passionate about. Anyone who's willing to do that to someone they supposedly loved is, in my opinion, not worthy of someone else's heart. I think Chris needs to take the time back home to reevaluate what he's looking and asking for.

Until then, here's hoping that Cupcake Chris is our Bachelor next time around. And, if Soules ever gets to make his valiant return to the show, hopefully he'll take a page from dentist's book and roll on up in an ear of corn.

Image: BacheloretteABC/Tumblr