Today’s tarot card is the Five of Wands. With its electric energy and artwork that shows a group of people battling it out, it’s a hint that you might be in for a few tough convos, heated arguments, or awkward misunderstandings in the next 24 hours.
While fighting sounds like the least savory way to start the week, the message of this card could actually have a silver lining. It’s possible you’ve been meaning to get something off your chest or that you have a potentially controversial POV that you’d like to air out. If so, this is your sign to kick off your Monday with a bang by saying it all out loud.
You might ruffle some feathers, but sometimes that’s better than silently stewing for weeks on end. Maybe a friend hurt your feelings and you’ve yet to call them out. Maybe someone stole your idea at work and it’s been keeping you up at night. Make it your mission to speak up today — and get ready to defend yourself. This card suggests you’ll have the confidence to do so and that you’ll find all the right words.
The Five of Wands also represents competition, and it’s something that could play out in a healthy way. It’s possible you woke up this morning with a game face and a no-nonsense attitude. If so, today could see you starting new projects, making bold choices, and bossing it up.
In a tarot reading, fives typically represent conflict and struggle, so a more literal interpretation of the Five of Wands could hint that you’ll find yourself in a good, old-fashioned tiff. If you have roommates, brace yourself for an argument over the dishes in the sink, the electric bill, or excess noise. If you’re in a relationship, you might go head-to-head with your partner or notice that you’re both on edge.
The disagreement could stem from an issue that’s left over from the weekend or something that happens out of the blue today. As you go back and forth, it’ll be clear that no one is attempting to understand or compromise. Instead, everyone’s just trying to come out on top.
To nip this situation in the bud, have everyone sit down for a more civilized conversation. Again, use your confident energy to organize a productive chat where each person gets a chance to speak. That way everyone’s voice will be heard and it’ll be easier to figure out the next best steps.