Today’s tarot card is the Seven of Cups. If you had a vivid dream last night or have been trying to make a big decision, then it makes sense why it would show up in your reading. It represents the blurry line between fantasy and reality, as well as all the choices you might have to make.
Real talk? This card can be a weird one to look at. It shows a person standing by a swirling gray cloud that shows seven floating cups, as well as lots of odd imagery. The cups hold a face, a ghostly form, a dragon, a snake, jewels, a castle, and a wreath. The longer you stare, the more bizarre it all feels. In a way, the fogginess and eclectic artwork perfectly represent how tough it can be to sort through your thoughts.
Since it’s in the suit of cups, which is tied to your feelings, this card hints at the emotional turmoil that decision-making can stir up. What’s the right choice for you? Your fam? Your partner? Your dog? With all that on your shoulders, it’s no wonder you had so many vivid dreams last night.
At the same time, the Seven of Cups suggests you have multiple options laid out before you, and that’s something to be grateful for. Maybe you’re currently deciding between a few different jobs, grad schools, or places to move, but can’t quite pick just yet.
While you might be tossing and turning at night, you might also be having the time of your life. It can be fun to daydream and think about all the different paths you can take in life. This card represents wishful thinking and fantasy, so enjoy having those options, but it also means it’s officially time to sift through the mental fog and the swirling ideas and land on an answer.
This is when you might call on your zodiac sign to help you decide. If you’re a chatty Gemini, reach out to friends to share your predicament. If you’re a resourceful Virgo, consider making a pro and con list. If you’re a thoughtful Scorpio, tap into your intuition.
As you ponder, keep in mind that this card can be a sign that you might choose the shiniest option even though it isn’t practical, so double-check to make sure you aren’t being too idealistic when it comes to solidifying plans. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.