Your Daily Pull
Your Tarot Reading For Thursday, January 23
If you want a relationship, this is an excellent sign.

Today’s tarot card is the Two of Cups. It shows a duo coming together with their golden chalices in hand, and it symbolizes unity, connection, respect — and maybe even love.
Immediately, this card seems like a reminder that you aren’t alone. If you’re having a tough week, make an effort to reach out to someone and connect, whether it’s with a friend, a partner, or even like-minded people on social media. Join a group, seek out community, finally say hi to your neighbor — you get the idea. It’ll help you feel better right away.
Instead of staying home on this dark winter’s eve, you could also put on a cute ‘fit and hit the town. Go out, laugh with friends, and have a blast as you indulge in a few Thursday night specials. This card is all about celebrating and practicing gratitude, so toast to folks who make you happy.
In the career arena, the Two of Cups hints that it’ll be easier than ever to work with others today. Since the cups suit represents emotion, you might find yourself sharing ideas without any hiccups or misunderstandings.
This card is great news if you’re currently begging the universe to send a partner your way. It could all go down after a successful first date, which then turns into a fling. This person will be someone to text, hook up with, and gossip about in your group chat, and honestly? That’s all you really want right now.
That said, since the Two of Cups represents respect and unity, you might eventually feel it turning into something more. (Cue the ooos and aahhs from friends.) This could be the partner you’ve been hoping for, but give it time. Don’t rush it or expect the relationship to flourish overnight.
While you wait to see what happens, distract yourself by taking a moment to consider what you’re feeling. This card usually points to two people joining forces, but it could also be a sign you’re about to overcome some inner turmoil or unhelpful black-and-white thinking.
Instead of seeing something all one way or all the other, you might mesh your ideas or assumptions together today for a more balanced and well-rounded POV. Think about what that message might mean for you — and then get back to texting your crush.