Today’s tarot card is the Six of Swords. It shows a group of people in a boat paddling away from wavy, rough waters toward a calmer sea with a lush island in the distance. It represents overcoming obstacles, but it’s also about transitions, long journeys, and (unfortunately) realizing you messed up.
In a tarot reading, the number six represents transition while the suit of swords points to your intellect and ability to make decisions. Seeing this card is a sign you might have a classic “a-ha!” moment today. Just like that, you’ll be ready to make a change.
This card suggests you’ve been going through it emotionally. The full moon was in Cancer this week, which could explain a lot, but it’s also possible you’ve made a few mistakes — we’re all human, after all — or that you’ve found yourself in a sticky situation. Instead of continuing to get tossed around by the waves, hop in your proverbial boat and look for solutions.
For some, that might mean ending a tumultuous situationship. For others, it could mean blocking a toxic friend, changing jobs, or shifting your priorities in life — or at least taking the first step inthe process. The goal is to start the journey and head steadily toward that island.
The energy of this card could also play out in smaller ways. If you’re constantly stressed, for instance, it might be your sign to do nice things for yourself so that your days are smoother sailing. If you’re someone who’s constantly losing their keys, forgetting their wallet, or missing appointments, then this could be your hint to get organized so everyday life feels less chaotic.
The Six of Swords isn’t the cheeriest-looking card in a tarot deck, but it’s often the exact kick in the butt you need to make a change or move on. In some cases, you might even get lucky and realize this card is highlighting a transition that’s already happening. Maybe a tiff with a partner has found a nice resolution or you realize you’re officially settled and at home in a new apartment after weeks of sweating and unpacking boxes.
The main takeaway? Sometimes it’s tough to see how rocky your life is when you’re in the middle of it all. You might feel sad or uncomfortable at the thought of making a change, even when you know it’s good for you, but this card suggests you’re more than ready to move on.