
Your July Tarot Reading

Without risk, there’s no reward.

Here's your July 2023 tarot reading by Jezmina von Thiele.

Welcome July with a five-card tarot spread asking, “What do we need to know this month?” In this tarot reading for July 2023, the message is to embrace stepping out of your comfort zone.

What Is Tarot?

Tarot cards originated in Italy as playing cards during the 15th century. The Romani people were the first to use these decks as a divinatory tool. Roma also brought other divination practices with them, like palmistry and tea leaf-reading, when they left India in the 10th and 11th centuries and arrived in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries.

How I Read Tarot Cards

I read tarot, palms, and tea leaves in my Romani family’s tradition, taught to me by my grandmother. I created a five-card spread for this column. The cards below represent embodiment (your energy right now); situation (what’s around you at the moment); obstacle (a struggle you’re facing); action (what to do about it); and a lesson (what you will learn from this month.)

Disproportionately, Roma experience poverty, police brutality, as well as housing, education, and employment discrimination. Sharing Romani history and spiritual practices through my work is my small act of cultural resilience.

Your July Tarot Reading

Embodiment: The Moon

The Moon suggests that you are in the right place to confront some deep emotions and dig into healing. Let yourself feel everything. Sometimes the Moon can bring up shadow work, which refers to accepting and processing the parts of ourselves we keep hidden, like trauma, and difficult feelings such as anger, resentment, and despair. The Moon is a reminder that you are lovable; no part of you deserves to be feared or shamed. Give yourself outlets for processing, like art, spirituality, therapy, and community support.

Situation: Three of Wands

The situation calls for collaboration and connection. You might be able to work with a friend on something meaningful, whether it’s a career goal or a personal desire. It’s a good time to prioritize bonds that are healthy and productive, and be around people who are happy to see you thrive. Root for the success of those around you and get comfortable asking for help. You’re not meant to do everything alone.

Obstacle: Two of Wands

You might be having trouble taking action to achieve certain goals. Use the Moon’s introspection and reflection to investigate why. Talk it through with someone you trust. Come up with a plan, including boundaries that support your comfort level. Even though it’s scary, the dream you’re resisting the most is the one that needs the most attention.

Action: Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is a card of abundance, a reminder not to stay still for too long. Put yourself out there, boldly ask for opportunities, and challenge yourself to try something new. When you grow, so does your abundance, financial or otherwise. Visualize what an abundant life would look like, and scheme with your favorite people about how to get there. Then, take those first, terrifying, exciting baby steps.

Lesson: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands was the lesson last month too, and it’s the card of victory. This month, this card emphasizes that without risk, there is no success. You’ll achieve great things sooner if you work hard and ask for help on your journey. It’ll also feel good to support others’ aims when you can. Celebrate your wins with others, and share the wealth if you’ve got it, whether it’s spotting a friend for rent or dropping off extra tomatoes from your garden on your neighbor’s porch.

How To Use July 2023's Tarot Lessons

Challenge yourself to reach out to three people for support while you reach for a goal, whether it’s professional, creative, spiritual, or personal. If someone isn’t available to help, that’s OK. At least you asked. Someone will be, though, and you might even get a referral to the perfect resource. This process might make you feel vulnerable — that’s normal. If you find that it’s too scary to ask for support, take these feelings to a journal, a friend, or a therapist to do some processing. See if you can work through that obstacle so you can move forward. Celebrate every little success along the way.

When it comes to taking healthy risks and putting yourself out there, look toward Diana Apsara for inspiration. A trans Romani designer and model based in Paris, she’s brought her vision for Classy X Design, an eco-friendly, body-positive fashion brand, to life. She started small, sewing and modeling her own work, and has been steadily growing toward putting on full fashion shows.