Sex can, at times, be embarrassing AF. No one is above an awkward moment or two mid-session — especially those who have sex for a living. In WoodRocket's latest video installment, porn stars' embarrassing porn stories are revealed in all their glory, affirming the fact that everyone has a moment where they've felt less than sexy.
Growing up, my favorite embarrassing sex and dating tales always came from the front pages of YM magazine. For those who don't remember the '90s, YM was a teen magazine chock-filled with the gory details of pubescent life. In the "Say Anything" section, ladies opened up about their worst nightmares coming to life, like getting busy on the couch with a dude when his dog brings in your maxi pad he fished out from the trash. Or going on a date and getting your period — while wearing white pants.
While these tales were (and are) pretty funny, they also reveal just how much women in particular are taught to fear natural bodily functions — and to hide them from men lest they think we're un-sexy (oh, the horror!) However, as the tales told by the porn stars in this video reveal, even the most sexually confident and body positive folks can still get taken down by an errant queef.
Here are five embarrassing sexual mishaps that you can probably relate to:
1When You Get Your Period Mid-Sex
Piper Perri did a creampie scene and turned the set red when she started to bleed — something that can disrupt even the most vanilla sexual encounter.
2When You Don't Remember You've Already Had Sex With Someone
Mick Blue has had sex with so many women on camera that sometimes he forgets one — something that Samantha from Sex and the City also experienced in her illustrious sexual career.
3When You Get Sick During Sex
Jasmine Webb knows all too well if you go HAM during a blow job, there's always the possibility you could gag and get sick.
4When You Fart While Trying To Be Sexy
Mocha Menage XXX was trying to keep her erotic game face on when she accidentally let one rip. Don't tell me this has never happened to you...
5When You Queef
When Brooklyn Chase went to present her parts to a girl in a scene, she accidentally let a queef fly right in her face. Instead of freaking out, though, she began giggling hysterically, which is one response that is guaranteed to de-stress any embarrassing situation you might find yourself in.
So when something hella awkward happens mid-sex, don't be silent in your horror and instead laugh it up, because, admit it, bodies are kind of hilarious, right?