
Bustle's Editors On Fox News + 'The Bachelorette'

by Rachel Simon

Happy first day of August, everyone! We're officially in the last real month of summer, so make sure to spend the next couple of weeks soaking it all in before fall comes around.

The first day of the month came with plenty of news, so read on for a recap of all the things that had Bustle's editors talking this Tuesday, Aug. 1:

The Fox News Lawsuit + What To Know

Well, this is bonkers. Fox News commentator Rod Wheeler is suing the network for allegedly misquoting him in a now-retracted story from earlier this year about the DNC hack. The report had suggested that the hack was done not by Russians, but by someone within the party, and it used quotes from Wheeler to back the claims up. The craziest part? The suit says that Fox News planted the story to distract from Russia, and Trump allegedly approved of the piece.

Facepalm: In other reassuring White House news, someone prank emailed officials by pretending to be current and former staffers, like Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner. Oy.

The Bachelorette + Men Tell All

Last night was the "Men Tell All" episode of Rachel's Bachelorette season, and a lot was discussed, especially contestant Lee's racist tweets. Rachel called Lee out for his comments in a powerful speech, but although Lee apologized, it doesn't make up for what he did or how he treated the other suitors — or the fact that he also allegedly tweeted homophobic and Islamaphobic comments, but wasn't asked to own up to those. C'mom, Bachelorette.

Fun Fact: Women who have kids in their 30s live longer than those who have kids younger, according to a new study. Who knew?

My Little Pony + Makeup You Need

If you grew up obsessed with My Little Pony, you're going to love this. PUR Cosmetics has teamed up with My Little Pony: The Movie for a new collection that's as sparkly and bright as you'd hope. You can buy the collection as of Aug. 10, so you can rock your shimmery looks all fall long.

OMG: There is a 24-hour wine fountain in Abruzzo, Italy. Next trip, booked.

Brad Pitt + Your Fave Book Of 2017

Book lovers, this is great news. Everyone's favorite novel of the year so far, Sweetbitter, is becoming a TV show on Starz — and the best part is, it's going to be produced by Brad Pitt. Stephanie Danler's debut novel was huge when it came out earlier this year, and with Pitt's company involved, the TV show will be an absolute must-see.

Shopping Break: Got damaged hair? These curling irons will help you style your locks without adding to the issue.

Today's WTF Moment: Chinese women are carrying flamethrowers to help protect against harassment. 2017 is the worst.

What to Watch: Tune in to the Discovery Channel at 9 for the series premiere of Manhunt: Unabomber, which chronicles the story of the '90s terrorist attacks.