
Are You An Adult Who Loves “Floor Time”? You’re Not Alone

Experts see the beauty of it, too.

by Carolyn Steber
Why everyone on TikTok is loving their "floor time".

After a work Zoom meeting, nothing feels better than closing your laptop, stepping away from your desk, and slowly lowering yourself onto the floor. Bonus points if you groan a little, rub your temples, and then have a moment of existential dread.

On TikTok, this practice has been dubbed “floor time.” With some videos under the hashtag reaching nearly 8 million views, it seems like floor time is the go-to move for anyone who’s stressed, overwhelmed, or sad, as well as anyone who simply needs to give themselves a hot second to relax.

When creator @loewhaley posted about floor time last July, her comments section was filled with surprise and understanding. “Thought I was the only one who did this” one person wrote, while another said, “This is literally me after every meeting.” Someone else chimed in to note that they often just sit on the floor, but occasionally need to go “full recumbent” — and it’s so relatable.

According to TikTok, floor time also feels right after a breakup, after a long day, or when you’re in a bad mood, which might explain why so many pop culture moments reference floor time as well. Think Taylor Swift’s lyric “Lying on the cold, hard ground” or the scene in Euphoria when Cassie has floor time when Nate isn’t texting her back.

Below, experts explain all the reasons why floor time feels so amazing, as well as how to make the most of it.

Why Floor Time Feels So Right

According to Brandt Passalacqua, the founder, director, and lead teacher at Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy, many people feel the urge to lie on the ground. “I think adults find it soothing [...] because it brings them similar benefits as a more intentional practice, like savasana.”

This yoga move, also called corpse pose, is incredibly grounding, after all. Just like an intentional savasana at the end of a yoga practice, floor time physically removes you from whatever was stressing you out, like work or chores, he says. Lying flat on your back puts your body into a neutral position, too, and that can release aches and tension in your muscles.

Feeling the hardness of the floor beneath you also sends a message to your body that you’re safe and supported, which can help you feel more present — like the ground literally has your back. “You may feel connected to the earth,” says Passalacqua. “This can calm the mind and reduce stress, making floor time appealing for its restorative qualities.”

Floor time may also help to reset your central nervous system, says therapist Janet Bayramyan, LCSW. The moment of relaxation allows you to bring your breath back to normal and as your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, your stress hormones will dissipate and your heart rate will lower.

This is why floor time is a big hit for anyone with anxiety. Creator @zeyeal shared that she craves floor time whenever she feels a meltdown coming on. In her comments, one person said, “I’m glad to see someone else who lays on the floor to regulate, too” while another wrote, “We love grounding.”

Pasalacqua says a dose of floor time can physically and mentally change your perspective It feels good to look at things in a new way from the weird angle on your kitchen floor, and that’s why you might get up feeling refreshed — or at least a little less stressed.

When Do You Need Floor Time?

If nothing else, floor time is beneficial for anyone who needs a reset. “Perhaps after a stressful day or a stressful experience,” says Bayramyan, like an annoying Zoom or a bicker with a partner.

According to Karla Misjan, a certified yoga instructor and teacher at The Class, it’ll also feel right to get down low if you sit all day for work. “It is likely that your body is staying in the same shape for hours at a time,” she tells Bustle, and when that’s the case, floor time can be used as an excuse to roll around and stretch.

It’s helpful when you need to slow down and be still, too. “We often talk about how savasana is the most advanced pose in the yoga practice because it requires complete surrender,” says Misjin. “[The popularity of floor time] tells me that folks are becoming more aware and attuned to knowing when they need to step away, take a moment to reset, and let go in order to keep going.”

Essentially, floor time is the practice of doing nothing, which means it’s an ideal way to chill after work, on a Saturday morning, or whenever you get a case of the Sunday Scaries. “It takes the pressure off needing to be doing, doing, doing and brings us into the place of allowing, receiving, integration, and absorption,” she adds.

Making The Most Of Your Floor Time

TikTok always proves that I’ve never had an original experience, but there’s something comforting in that.

For any other floor time fiends out there, you know it’s as easy as lying on your bathroom, kitchen, or living room floor and staying for as long as you need, but there are some ways to make the most of the moment.

Whitney Berger, a certified yoga instructor and founder of WhitFit NYC, recommends lying back and closing your eyes, or focusing your gaze at a point on the ceiling. “If looking at your phone helps you relax, go for it, but I would highly recommend placing it away and taking a break,” she tells Bustle.

Prioritizing comfort is also key, says Misjan. “If you have some sensitivity in your lower back with your legs stretched forward, pop a pillow or a rolled blanket beneath your knees,” she says. From there, try scanning your body starting at your feet and moving up to your head. “Soften any areas that feel right or tense,” she notes, and soften your breath, too.

To turn your floor time into a true savasana, Passalacqua suggests laying there for at least five minutes, or as long as you need.

Studies referenced:

Pandi-Perumal, SR. (2022). The Origin and Clinical Relevance of Yoga Nidra. Sleep Vigil. doi: 10.1007/s41782-022-00202-7.

Woodyard, C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. Int J Yoga. doi: 10.4103/0973-6131.85485.


Brandt Passalacqua, founder, director, yoga therapist, lead teacher at Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy

Janet Bayramyan, LCSW, therapist

Karla Misjan, certified yoga instructor, teacher at The Class

Whitney Berger, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer, founder of WhitFit NYC