Not only did Sunday's brand new episode of Big Brother 17 showcase Steve nominating Liz and Austin for eviction, but it also revealed a juicy (and gag-inducing) detail about Liztin. While chatting with her twin sister Julia on the hammock in the backyard, Liz revealed Austin is a bad kisser. Ouch. Let's just add that to the long list of awful Liztin moments. I guess all those "steamy" make out sessions aren't as hot and heavy as some have assumed.
Anyways, Liz offered up all the icky details to Julia about what it's like to kiss Austin — and that ponytail beard. Per Liz, Austin doesn't really know what to do with his tongue when it comes to kissing. Nope, I don't want to hear it, Liz. It's bad enough watching you two make out on reality TV, but to hear about it? Yeah, that just made it a million times worse. Anyways, Julia cringed (just like the rest of America) during their chat.
Julia even wanted to know if Austin's beard chaffed Liz's face. Well, it seems Liz is more concerned about Austin's tongue being on the loose. By the way, Liz informed Austin of this. Yes, that's right, she told him that he's really bad at kissing. So, it's up to him at this point to get it right. Maybe he needs to teach himself or practice with Liz? Scratch both of those ideas, because those are two Liztin moments I don't need to watch.
With that said, at least Liz can be honest with her "boo." When it comes to relationships, you should be open and honest (ahem... just like Austin should be about his so-called girlfriend). This also got me thinking, maybe Judas is a better kisser? I think I just found the solution to Liztin's kissing issues.
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Image: Screengrab/CBS