
Who Are King Charles III’s Pages Of Honor?

Rose Hanbury’s son has been given a ceremonial role in the coronation.

King Charles III has selected his pages of honor for his royal coronation.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, her firstborn child, Prince Charles, became King Charles III. The next step in Charles’ ascension to the throne is the coronation ceremony on Saturday, May 6. The landmark royal event at Westminster Abbey will be “rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry,” according to Buckingham Palace, and certain members of the royal family will have a ceremonial role in the coronation — including Prince George, who will serve as one of his grandfather’s pages alongside seven other children. But, who are King Charles’ pages of honor?

As Sky News notes, Charles and his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort, will be joined by four pages each during the coronation. The eight selected pages of honor have close royal connections, either through friendship or blood relation, and their role in the ceremony involves taking part in the coronation procession and helping to carry the king and queen’s robes.

Alongside Prince George, King Charles III and Camilla’s pages include 13-year-old Nicholas Barclayis, 12-year-old Ralph Tollemache, 13-year-old twins Gus and Louis Lopes, 10-year-old Arthur Elliot, Camilla’s grandson, 13-year-old Freddy Parker Bowles, and 13-year-old Lord Oliver Cholmondeley — the son of David Cholmondeley, 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley and Rose Hanbury.

Cholmondeley and Hanbury have a decades-long affiliation with the British monarchy, having attended numerous royal events over the years and even living a stone’s throw away from one of the royal family’s Norfolk residences, Anmer Hall. The couple will also be familiar to those who have closely followed reports of an alleged affair between the Prince of Wales and Hanbury.

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Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
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In 2022, an anonymous DeuxMoi post about the alleged royal affair read: “This British royal’s extramarital affair is an open secret in London and amongst the English aristo set, and is the talk of every party and desk.” The post was shared along with the disclaimer: “This account does not claim any information published is based in fact.”

Although the pair weren’t named, the Deuxmoi post in question is believed to be about Prince William due to his alleged romantic connection to Hanbury, with reports of this affair having circulated for years.

As mentioned, former model Hanbury is (or was) a member of William and Kate Middleton’s inner circle, and along with her husband, has been a guest at numerous royal events, including William and Kate’s 2011 wedding, former President Trump’s state visit, and Prince Philip’s memorial service.