Here’s The Spiritual Meaning Of October’s Full Hunter’s Moon
It’s only a little spooky.

Between a rocky Mercury retrograde and a supercharged new moon in Libra, October’s astrology has been full of intensity. But spooky season’s tricks aren’t over yet, as the full moon rising on Oct. 20 is bringing the lunar cycle (and our emotions) to a piercing climax. The October 2021 full moon (aka the Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon) is chock-full of fiery energy that’ll help us to stand up for ourselves and take back our power. The spiritual meaning of the Hunter’s Moon is about activating our inner warrior as we set forth into the darker half of the year.
Full moons in astrology mark the energetic highpoint of the moon’s monthly journey through the zodiac, so they often offer us a sense of illumination and can make our feelings swell. Because situations in our lives naturally come to climaxes or conclusions under these lunations, they’re great for letting go of things and releasing any energy that’s bogging you down. When it comes to the October 2021 full moon (which takes place in fire sign Aries territory), it’s a time to let go of relationships, beliefs, or habits that are holding you back from being a leader in your own life and getting what you want want.
Aligning ourselves with the spiritual energy of the full moon is a great way to get grounded, embrace self-improvement, and feel more connected with the natural cycle’s of the planets. Read on to find out about the October 2021 full moon’s spiritual meaning and how to harness its mystical power.
What’s The Spiritual Meaning Of October’s Full Moon?
The Hunter’s Moon is a nickname given to the first full moon occurring after the Harvest Moon (aka, the full moon that takes place closest to the date of the autumn equinox). Because this year’s Harvest Moon fell in September, October’s big lunation is the Hunter’s Moon — and it’s named for the fact that this traditionally marked a good time for hunting game in preparation for the winter season. The spiritual meaning of the October 2021 full moon symbolically aligns with the warrior vibe of the Hunter’s Moon origin story, as its cosmic challenges will require us to use skill, patience, and power to secure the bag and make the most of this energetic harvest.
October’s full moon rises during the final days of Libra season 2021, which will bring the themes we’ve been dealing with over the past month to either an epic climax or a powerful conclusion. “This full moon in Aries is spicy and not for the faint of heart, as it is set to bring intense emotions to the surface,” astrologer Narayana Montúfar, author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power tells Bustle. “It is a culmination of all the work we've been doing during the entirety of Libra season, which will recalibrate our relationships so we can live more authentically.”
Other traditional nicknames for October’s full moon include the Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon, both of which foreshadow the darker side of this lunation. The moon will be locked in a tension-filled T-square with the sun, aggressive Mars, and power-hungry Pluto, which means we’ll want to arm ourselves for a proverbial hunt. This kind of planetary drama can cause frustration and emotional explosions for all zodiac signs — but instead of throwing a temper tantrum, use it as a challenge to speak up for yourself and make healthy compromises in order to reach your goals.
How To Work With This Full Moon Energy
Because the October 2021 full moon takes place in Aries, it highlights the need for independence, bravery, and leadership in our lives. And given that it’s the first full moon of the autumn season, it’s important to trust the universe and boldly embracing the inevitable changes that lie ahead — so let go of your need to be in control and allow the universe to take the wheel. Because Mercury retrograde wrapped up just 48 hours before this full moon peaks, it’s also an auspicious moment to speak your truth in relationships and state your needs clearly to others. After a long and frustrating retrograde build-up, now is your chance to step up, speak out, and clear the air.
Libra season has put a focus on finding peace in our partnerships, but the spiritual meaning of the October 2021 full moon is all about finding peace within ourselves — even if we have to fight for it. “Letting go of anger, frustration, and resentment will be necessary under this full moon,” Montúfar says. “This lunation helps us clear what no longer serves us so we can begin making room for the new.” Be brave and charge into the eye of this full moon’s emotional storm, because now is a time to step into your power and champion your truth.