Here's Your Guide To The First Full Moon Of 2021
The drama is high — but so are our confidence levels.

January's lunar highpoint is kicking off the year with a roar, as the January 2021 full moon rises in the fiery and dramatic sign of Leo, which is symbolized by the mighty lion. Peaking on Jan. 28, this lunation makes some tumultuous planetary connections that could result in cosmic clashes — but it'll also light up our sense of confidence and creativity, which inspires us to find sunshine amidst the storm clouds.
This month's full moon may be known as the Wolf Moon, but because it takes place in fixed fire sign Leo, it'll bring our proud inner lionness' out of their dens. This lunation asks us to put ourselves out there — courageously, charismatically, and creatively. Now's the time to channel confidence, especially when it comes to romance, self-expression, and passion projects.
However, in true Leo fashion, the friction-filled planetary aspects taking place alongside this lunation will up the drama factor, too. The full moon is squabbling with both hotheaded Mars and wild child planet Uranus — and it's facing off with powerful giants Jupiter and Saturn, too. We'll have to summon some major inner sparkle to charm our way out of any quarrels.
There's lots to take advantage of — and look out for —under this luminary, so check out the do's and don'ts of the January 2021 full moon.
DO: Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve
We may be in the middle of aloof Aquarius season, but this full moon in open-hearted Leo asks us to get passionate about our emotions. Don't be afraid to express yourself and let your full moon feelings show, even if they're big and messy. This lunation offers us a chance to release our most sizzling-hot sentiments. Share how you feel and let your romantic side into the limelight.
DON'T: Lose Control Of Your Temper
Sharing your feelings is one thing, but letting anger take over is quite another. With the full moon squaring off with aggressive planet Mars, we're all more likely to get fired up about things now and lose our cool. Expansive planet Jupiter will be opposing the full moon and forming a tension-filled T-square aspect with Mars, too, which will only amplify our feisty full moon feels even further. Keep your temper in check and think before starting drama.
DO: Chase After Your Creative Goals
Full moons are a time to bring things to a climax, and this Leo-ruled lunation in particular is an good time to show off your creative talents and bring your passion projects to life. While fiery Mars' influence on this luminary can definitely make us feel aggressive, it also makes us bolder about chasing after the things we're passionate about. Use this courageous energy boost to your advantage and express yourself through art, music, performance, or even just a funny series of Instagram stories.
DON'T: Get Paranoid In Romance
Romantic planet Venus is aligning with power-hungry Pluto alongside this already-dramatic full moon, which could up our feelings of jealousy and put us on a power trip within partnerships. You could uncover some drama or sniff out some secrets within your love life, but don't go overboard. Use the light of this full moon to focus on the flirty, fun, and joyful aspects of your relationship rather than trying to investigate in the murky depths that lie beneath the surface.
DO: Let Your Glamorous Side Sparkle
Leo is the sign ruled by the sun, meaning it's all about letting your light shine and taking center stage. Don't be afraid to get glamorous and show off. If there's something you're proud of and want the world to see, now's the time to take it to the spotlight. Get yourself glammed up and channel your inner starlet, even if all you do is take a series of sexy selfies. This full moon is about finding your confidence and having fun with it.
DON'T: Let Confidence Turn To Recklessness
This full moon is boosting our confidence and helping us light up our inner fire, but don't get carried away with the lunar flames by oversharing, getting cocky, or taking unnecessary risks. Lucky planet Jupiter is opposing this full moon, which boosts our sense of optimism and blows up our sense of confidence. But this aspect can also cause us to overestimate things, which may lead to saying things we regret or taking gambles that simply aren't worth it. Keep your vices in check and channel the cool, calm, collected energy of Aquarius season to keep yourself sensible.