All The New Star Wars Characters In 'The Last Jedi' You Need To Know About

When Star Wars finally returned in 2015 with The Force Awakens, much of the hype surrounding the film had to do with the franchise's biggest characters — Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa — all returning to the series for the first time since 1983's Return of the Jedi. But after the film premiered, many of the film's new characters — such as Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, and Kylo Ren — quickly gained huge fanbases of their own. Now, with the next Star Wars film on the way, fans are anxious to meet the new characters in The Last Jedi.
Of course, the film will still feature a number of returning characters. Luke and Leia are back, as are Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and all of the other major players from the original trilogy (except Han Solo, R.I.P.). Fans will also see the return of the new favorites that were introduced in The Force Awakens, and are expecting to find out more about mysterious characters like Rey, Snoke, and Captain Phasma. But perhaps most intriguing are the characters whom fans know basically nothing about, the newbies, and there are a bunch of them. The Last Jedi features new heroes, new villains, and new alien species that are sure to gain a cult following, so take a look below for the full known list.
1Rose Tico
Believed to be the most significant of the film's new characters, Rose Tico — portrayed by Kelly Marie Tran — is a starfighter mechanic and member of the Resistance. In the movie, she becomes a close ally of Finn and joins him on a mission to the glamorous casino city of Canto Bight. Early buzz suggests she could be the film's breakout star.
2Paige Tico
Paige, played by Veronica Ngo, is Rose's sister. She is a gunner for the Resistance, and a pupil of star fighter pilot Poe Dameron.
3Amilyn Holdo
Played by Laura Dern, the purple-haired Gatalenta native is a high-ranking officer within the Resistance who's known for her eccentricity. A longtime friend of General Leia Organa, she takes over the Resistance in the new film and attempts to lead them in a new direction — one that may put her at odds with the general.
Benicio del Toro's character doesn't technically have a name, but has been nicknamed by DJ by director Rian Johnson. Not much is known about him, other than the fact that he's a shady character whose intentions aren't clear, and he's a slicer — the Star Wars universe's version of a hacker.
A character seemingly invented solely to sell toys — this is Star Wars after all — BB-9E is essentially an evil version of BB-8, the adorable droid introduced in The Force Awakens. He, too, is a BB-series astromech droid, but one in service to the First Order rather than the Resistance.
6Tallie Lintra
Portrayed by Hermione Corfield, Tallie Lintra is an A-Wing fighter pilot for the Resistance, and the leader of her squadron.
Porgs are the polarizing puffin-like creatures who live on the planet Ahch-To, where Luke Skywalker is in hiding and where he trains Rey in the film. One of them ends up becoming Chewbecca's new frenemy after somehow ending up on board the Millennium Falcon.
Another native species of Ahch-To, the Caretakers are essentially amphibian nuns who protect the Jedi Temple there. All Caretakers are female.
9Praetorian Guard
These fierce warriors, named for the actual elite unit of soldiers who served as bodyguards for Ancient Roman emperors, have a similar function in the Star Wars universe, acting as the personal security detail for Supreme Leader Snoke.
10Justin Theroux's Slicer?
Although his appearance is not confirmed, the Leftovers star is rumored to appear in the film as a slicer, according to Making Star Wars.
11Princes William & Harry
The British royals have a cameo in the film as (probably unnamed) Stormtroopers, and one of them apparently slaps DJ's butt during their appearance, according to the Daily Mail.
The Last Jedi is sure to feature even more new characters who haven't yet been revealed, but the ones listed above are expected to make the biggest impact on the new film.